
I'm 14 and just starting to wear makeup?

by Guest58663  |  earlier

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I need some help! i really have no idea how much, how little or what types of makeup to wear!

My mom is letting me use mascara, very little bit of eyeshadow and lip gloss so how should i do it?

I have dark brown hair and brown eyes and have tan-ish skin color.

What colors should i use for eyeshadow?

Should i put mascara on my bottom lashes (they are really thin)

What types of makeup do you recommend?

I will chose best answer and give thumbs up to ones i really like! (thumbs up is one point!)




  1. Mark. eyeshadow in "Gioia" complements a tan skin tone and dark hair. Just make sure to blend and I would recommend Mark. "Scanda-lash" it's the best mascara I've ever used. And it's inexpensive! You can get it here:

  2. I LOVE BBW lipglosses! The C.G. Bigalow or whatever ones. Those are so awesome. Haha.


    Wear neutral shades of eyeshadows! I really like the Designer Chocolates quad from Maybelline. It's a great everyday quad and comes with instuctions in the back.

    That's all you really need when you're starting out. Go with the neutrals so you can get the hang of applying makeup and no one can really tell if you mess up but it still enhances your eyes

  3. Well if you're just starting to wear makeup then you shouldn't go all out. You should just start with eyeliner and mascara. It would look weird if you had a natural face then next thing you know you have a whole bunch next. So you should probably just start out with something simple then make gradyally start wearing eyeshadow.

  4. Okay.

    I have been in your position before!

    It can be confusing but I am here to help!

    Okay so, when first starting to wear make up its all about enhancing natural beauty.

    For mascara use like a natural color. like if you have lighter lashes don't go for a black. maybe like a soft black or brown black will be best!

    For a beginning mascara use something like great lash from maybelline.

    For eye-shadow use a natural color but still enhances your natural beauty like a light brown or a creme almost.

    And to start out with don't put mascara on your bottom lashes but as time goes on you might want to!

    And lip gloss; you might want to go with a light shade of pink!  

  5. I would use tanish color eyeshadow it is natural on tan skin and if you use clear mascara you will look like your wearing lack mascara but its clear for lip gloss my favorite is cover girl fruit spritzers.

  6. well i have brown hair and brown eyes to and i like to stick with light pastel colors like a misty gray, or feerie colors! I love the chanel eyeshadow, its called feerie eyeshadow(i think) but chanel is a great brand of makeup. I personally dont like mascara because it makes you look like you wear a lot of makeup, it runs(sometimes) and it often clumps together!

  7. 14? Well I'm 12 ( as of today YAY) and I've already started wearing makeup, you can use it on your lower lashes if you want, I barely use mascara though, I hate how it runs, and waterproof isn't all that good.Well if you're a newbie to makeup just start off natural looking, brown,corals,pinks, and peaches for eyes. Same for lips some people don't like brown lipcolor on themselves though, depends on their skintone. You can sweep some blush on if you want. Then as you get the hang of it you can start wearing bolder colors.

  8. Age appropriate makeup is a must. You'll find that experimenting will give you a good idea of what looks good on you. A little goes a long way. When you do decide to use foundation, it's very important that it match your skin tone. To keep up with what looks good on you as well as keeping current visit a makeup counter (such as the Clinique counter) in a nice store and ask for a makeover. You'll enjoy it in addition to learning about their products from cleansing/moisturizing to makeup itself. And of course you don't have to buy their products (often expensive). You can apply what you learn using Maybelline, Cover Girl, etc. You get the idea. Have fun!

  9. Hi,

    I would suggest,since,I have the same color features,to were clear mascara on the top lashes and black or blue on the bottom.

    Eyeshadow= If you want to wear colors by season,let me tell younow,so we are clear.Sometimes the colors wont match your outfits and stuff,but your lucky you can pull off almost any color becuase you have the ability to look bold because of your features.

  10. Use dark green colors and olive green colors for eyeshadow. Some good brands are Urban Decay and Maybelline. You could also use a dark like plum color eyeliner on your top lid.

  11. mascara on bottom lashes is optional.. like if you want a doe eyed look like twiggy, then yes. but if you want a heavy lidded look, then just apply on the top. as for eyeshadow colours, purple, pink, blue, and green (cool colours) will look fabulous on your brown eyes which are a warm colour, as they'll compliment each other. good luck :)

  12. You are young, you dont need foundation.  Try a tinted moisturizer.  Here is a good classic teen look

    Use a eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, mascara, and lip gloss

  13. Here is a review on some products

    1. For eyeshadow you want to use cream and brown colored eyeshadows so first you want to put the brown colored eyeshadow on your crease and put the cream colored eyeshadow on your eyelid.


    in no. 2 cream puff


    no. 10 Coconutty

    Now you don't want to put too much of the brown on though but you have to blend really well.

    2. You really shouldn't put mascara on the bottom lashline

    3. For mascara you should use

    and for eyeliner which you should only put on the bottom water line (its above your bottom lashes but be veryyyy careful when applying.)

    this eyeliner- in expresso its dark but not black black its got some brown undertones

    And for lipgloss I definetly reccommend...

    ik you probably already use lipgloss but this is my favorite and its really really sparkly!!! and its buy 2 get one free!!! lol

    I hope my answer helps you alot and good luck!

    - anonomys lol!

  14. I really like gold eye shadow.  Maybe a lighter tan/gold with a darker one on the edge.  Using a little dark blue eye shadow to line your eyes looks really pretty with brown eyes.  

    Yes,  use mascara on your bottom lashes but not too much.  

    I like Avon's Mark line.  It's pretty inexpensive too so that's a plus.  

    Don't be afraid to experiment and don't over do it :)  

  15. I'm 14 too, turning 15. I've been wearing makeup since I was like, 11.

    But if I were you, I wouldn't put mascara on your lower lashes. It get's smudged, and it's really easy to mess up. Ask your Mom if you can get a brown, or smokey gray eyeliner if she'll allow it but if you do, make sure you don't put too much eyeliner on and do not put eyeliner on your top eyelid! It makes your eyes look thinner, and usually a little odd if you don't do it correctly.

    Anyway, for eyeshadow.. If you want just one color for your eyeshadow, you would probably do a line of light copper right above your eye lashes, then a line thats a little thicker about the copper with a light sparkling within the eyeshadow, you'd look great with it if you have dark eyes,dark hair and tanned skin.

    For lipgloss, don't go crazy with it. Just add a little color.

    If you're going for a natural look, just get a light pink, almost clear, lipgloss and lightly put it on your lips, don't put a lot though it won't be good for your lips and you'll prboably get uncomfortable. If you're trying to get darker than natural lip color, don't go much darker. People at our age who do that, tend to look like hookers (ahaha).

    Kinds of makeup:

    If you're going to use any kind of coverup or anything like that, use mieral kinds! Nothing with chemicals, it should be all natural light makeup unless you want to break out really bad!

    Mascara, you should go with black mascara. Don't get the kind that clumps your eyelashes, it will look weird. Just get a light kind, for instance, Super Shock from Avon. That mascara works wonders! =)

    Anything else, just send me a message and I'll try to help.

    But at our age, you don't want to overdo anything. Try to stay with the more natural look, don't go overboard.

    Good luck! =]

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