
I'm 14 and look at p**n please help me?

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Im 14 and look at p**n, im very very ashamed of myself and i know its wrong, is something wrong with me????

Like i said,im ashamed...... is something wrong with me? am i a bad person? i know its illegal and im afraid of the police and what not, im not too sure if my parents know or not, but if they dont i want to know how to break it to them so i can stop and feel better about myself, PLEASE HELP ME!!!




  1. Pornography can be a problem if it becomes your main source of sexual stimulation. It does make masturbation more enjoyable, but its' better to use your own imagination - most males enjoy sexual fantasies, and there's nothing wrong in that.

    The illegal stuff is usually protected - you have to declare your age and give your email address in order to see it.

    What gets stored on your hard drive is a list of sites you have visited - not the images themselves. In Netscape this is called the history file, and it can be erased. In version 2.0.016, which I'm using, go to the Tools menu, and click on "Clear Private Data".

    Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) also stores a list of sites you've visited - but so many people look at internet p**n that you needn't worry.

    There is of course nothing wrong in looking at tasteful pictures of girls in bikinis - if you want to save them, get a USB memory stick and keep it for your own use. flickr is a good source of "family friendly" photos.

    There's nothing wrong with you, you are not a bad person,  but you may need to ease up on the p**n and change to something more acceptable. Pictures that bring out the beauty of the female form can be really inspiring.

  2. Dude it;s perfectly normal! just don't be on it 24/7. I'm 13.

  3. umm...its not illegal,to look at it and to m********e at it is fine, its also fine to fell guilty about, nothing is wrong with you, your not a bad person. you probably shouldnt tell this to your parents because it'd be awkward and either they're be mad at you for it or theyll tell you it perfectly fine,and lastly chill the **** out man its just p**n. In case you didnt know about 100% of men and 50% women watch p**n and you dont see them in jail or crying about it. Dear god be a man, jeez.

    Dear god it doesnt go to your hard drive. You know what you can do: first calm down, second if you are really so insecure about this with yourself go to instruments on the top of the screen when you turn on your internet and press the second last option.

  4. Wow calm down, there's nothing wrong with it, one should actually be worried if a boy at your age DIDN'T like p**n...

    No reason to be ashamed, you are not a bad person considering 99% of boys your age do it. Your parents DON'T need to know, they probably expect it anyway.


  5. dude im 13 and i look at p**n. right at this moment i am answering this but i have a second window open with p**n... Dont freak out and dont be ashamed...

  6. I'm pretty sure it's natural, so don't get yourself worked up about it.  It might be a good idea to start doing a sport or something to help make sure that you don't look at it too much and have something else to do.

  7. i don't think its wrong..i saw it when i was young too and i turned out fine. its not your fault you're curious

  8. You are not a bad person, and nothing is wrong with you for looking at p**n.

    The purpose of p**n is to satisfy the sexual fantasies of those who consume it (key word is "fantasies"--p**n does NOT portray s*x in a realistic way---actually having s*x the way they do it in p**n can be unhealthy).  The sexual feelings and thoughts you have that are attracting you to p**n are NORMAL, HEALTHY, and NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF!  Enjoying pornographic material does not mean you are sick or dirty in any way.

    p**n is illegal to minors for the same reason alcohol is:  the government wants it available only to responsible, mature adults to prevent accidents from irresponsible use.  Do not be afraid of going to jail for looking at p**n.  It isn't illegal for you to look at p**n--it is illegal for p**n to be supplied to you--i.e. a website owner who doesn't use age verification, a video store selling you a tape,   etc will be prosecuted for you looking at p**n--not you!  The police aren't out to get kids who snoop around too much on computers or under their parents' beds.

    The one thing that is necessary to consider about p**n is your responsibility as a consumer.  The p**n industry is notorious for being abusive to those who work in it.  It's kind of like eating meat.  Is the act of eating meat wrong?  No!  Is raising an animal in squalor and then killing it inhumanely before sale as food wrong?  Yes.  So some people use their power as consumers and stop eating meat to discourage these cruel agricultural practices.  ...Your looking at p**n adds to the demand for it, and entrepreneurs will continue to meet that demand, and this perpetuates the risk of suffering of people within the industry.

    The only thing you should feel any guilt about is that you are breaking some rules and that the actors/models/writers of the p**n you are looking at probably aren't enjoying their jobs.  Again, do NOT feel guilty for having sexual feelings and fantasies, and being attracted to p**n.  That is NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL, let me say it again, NORMAL human sexuality.

    Do not feel as though you need to "fess up" to your parents, because you haven't committed a serious sinful act.  It's your personal choice whether you tell your parents about this---as much as it is your personal choice to tell them exactly which stores at the mall you visited with your friends. However, it wouldn't hurt to get your parents' opinion about p**n, and discuss the subject of s*x with them to get their thoughts and values.  As embarrassing as it may seem, it might actually make you feel better to let your parents in on the fact that you are growing up and beginning to have sexual feelings

  9. There isnt anything wrong with you. You are not a bad person. Most of it is not illegal, just things like child p**n, and beastality. I dont think you should tell your parents. You shouldnt feel bad about yourself, watching it is completely natural. And you could wipe your hard drive i guess... But i wouldnt give up p**n forever, there isnt anything wrong with it in the slightest. You are totally normal, and are ashamed for no reason.

  10. look, your completely normal and not bad for doing it. i knew kids that were 7 or 8 and had playboys just lying out in the open on their bed.

    don't freak out because you just started to find naked women irresistible. whatever you do dont try to change from what you want to do 99% of men look at p**n the other 1% had their balls cut off (haha that was suppose to be funny).  

  11. Look, being curious is not a bad thing. I was probably younger than you the first time I looked at p**n. Don't worry about it. Just don't make a habit out of it and you will be fine.

  12. Chill. p**n is not gonna kill you. It is actually a normal part of a lot of peoples life. You are young so be careful you do not get caught. The police cannot harm you in your home over p**n last time I heard. I think your parents might or might not know, just be careful. Stay calm and enjoy your body. Really.


  13. tell your parents and I assure you they will help you fix this by doing something like taking the computer out of your room.

  14. I know I'll get tons of thumbs down for this but, It's important for me to share with you.

    p**n is an addiction.

    It is glorifying s*x in a very unnatural way, and hardwires us a little off.

    It affects the way we perform sexually, and can even invade our mind.

    p**n addictions are just as real as cigarette addictions, alcohol addiction, and drug addiction.

    Many peple will deny that they're addicted, until they actually try to stop, and realize they can't.

    As a young girl, around 13, my parents never talked to me about s*x, and I used p**n as a way to get answers to my curiosity.

    At 13 years old, those images emotionally damaged me, and have affected my sexuality in a negative way.

    Your feelings are very normal, and you should  try and talk to a trusted adult. Do you attend a church youth group?

    Find someone to talk to about it.

    I was unable to break my pornagraphy addiction until I sought counseling. I felt ashamed and broken and used looking at pornography, yet, I was still unable to stop, until I treated it for what it was, an addiction.

    Try talking to your parents. They'll apllaud you for being honest and wanting to get help, and will understand.

    They'd much rather hear it from you, that you need help to stop, than to find out by looking through your computer history, or having a horrible virus ruin your computer.

    If you ever want to talk, email me. It's on my profile page.

    Good luck

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