
I'm 14 and my life is already ruined!???

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I'm a girl, I've already blasphemed God, then ignored my concionse for a LONG time so now I barely have one. I have lusted after guys (knowing very well it was wrong) then my teacher found out I lusted after him (I guess from discerning of spirits) I also USED to cut myself for the heck of it and my friends and some family seen it. (my dad did NOT believe my lie so he comments about it alot to remind me he knows) btw my dad is inconsiderate. and I think WAY too much!! I think I'm close to developing social phobia cuz i am soo timid..... I cry nearly every night because I am so stressed out about all this! I can't talk to ANYONE im way too shy to talk to a teacher or someone, especially my close friends, they wouldn't understand.... What should I do ??




  1. I'm curious as to what you mean by the phrase "I've already blasphemed against God." God is more than strong enough to take your blasphemy, I'm sure, and he's more than forgiving enough to accept that you're going through some rough times. As for "lusting" after men, that is a perfectly natural biological response to a growing young woman.

    Things have a way of sorting themselves out. Don't worry too much about it. It sounds cliche, I know, but you've done nothing wrong so far.

  2. Don't be ridiculous! You'll have worse times than this in your life!

  3. First off, feel free to email me anytime at which u wish. I'm a 15 year old girl who knows what's like to be confused and has suffered that same feeling. Last year, in eigth grade, I suffered through a year of bullying and torment. This year everthing is better and everyone is matured. But anyway, I got an anxiety disorder out of it and I would throw up, feel weak, and all of that. I got past it though, all though I'm still trying to overcome. Before u do anything, stop the cutting. Then, talk to your mom or dad. Tell them of all these. Just do it. No excuses. Just do it! Also, change. Just grow from the mistakes and change into the real u. Remember something else, God loves u know matter what and everyone makes mistakes and has flaws. The year is almost over also, so u will be moving onto different experiances and teachers. Just make it through this year and learn. At 14, you're too young to have your life ruined. Trust me, it's a temporary solution. Again, u can email me at anytime and we can talk. Good Luck!

  4. I don't know the answer, but I don't think your life is already ruined.

  5. Go to an adult that you trust and admire. Your life is not ruined at 14. Apparently your conscience is still working or you wouldn't have asked this question. Pay attention in school so you can go to college. Respect yourself or no one else will.

  6. First of all sweetie, your life is NOT ruined !!  You have your entire life ahead of you and believe me things can and will change.  You cannot do anything about the past...all you can do is make a goal for yourself as to what you want your future to be.  Make today your new future - figure out how you want your life to be and I promise that if you think positively it will all work out !

  7. It sounds like you need some help and some attention. I was in your shoes once, after I made a lamb attempt to kill myself. I went to a hospital for a week and it changed my life. I am not saying try to kill yourself, I am saying that you need to seek medical attention, even if you think your parents might not be happy with you, TRUST ME, they would rather deal with your out cry for help, then to attend your funeral.

    Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

  8. You're life isn't ruined.  You're only 14.  Chances are you are just thinking about things too much.  The best thing to do is to find someone who you trust and just open out about it (typing this is a good start... but you need a real person).  You'll be ok.  You're at an awkward age, and you'll grow out of it.  Just don't cut yourself anymore.

  9. These are some pretty big problems for a 14 year old. But

    to say your life is ruined is definitely premature. I also had

    some pretty major problems at your age but I did come to

    terms with my problems- I definitely think that professional

    help is needed. You can have a happier life but it will take

    work on your part. God is definitely Great if you give Him

    a chance! I truly hope you find peace.

  10. talk to God

    he's always there. he is always open and forgiving, you just have to ask for forgiveness.

    your life isn't ruined.

    talking tos omeone close to you usually won't work because they know too much about you and will think of you differently. talk to someone whom you barely know. good places to go are internet groups for support and advice. you could try finding a Christian internet forum to help you reconnect with God.

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