
I'm 14 and need help getting started with an acting career?

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hi im 14 and need help getting started in acting. I have been acting for a while now I took acting lessons and been in some pretty big plays,but i want to do more in tv and movies. I have looked into getting agents but im not sure how agents really work. Also having trouble with resume, headshots,and etc. I am not the wealthiest person but i do have a passion and drive like no other all i need is a break to get me where i want to be so please help out by giving good information that can help




  1. go to and for any info u neeed for agenns go to the talent site click table of contents and click city nearest u n search around and u will learn alot but always remember a real agency is free they only get 10-20% of ur income!

  2. You should go to a high school that offers acting/ theatre as a discipline. For example, if you live in San Francisco you might want to attend San Francisco School of the Arts (aka SOTA), which offers many disciplines for students. Two/ Three hours a day students will do their arts/ theatre/ dancing/ vocal/ instrumental as well as academics in the morning.

    I wouldn't look for agents quite yet-- you gatta open yourself up to the public first.

  3. you have to get an agent.  Like it or not, most famous people are picked up in the right place at the right time.

  4. First of all you should make sure you have good experience:

    take part in school drama, or take classes at a local community theater. If you don't have the money for classes, audition for plays, they are great for your resume. If you want to audition for the big things, like tv or movies, you will need an agent. Just look for some local talent agencies, sometimes agencies(not events!) even go to place like malls to look for fresh talent. To get an agent your will need a resume, and a look and personality the agent needs. You can look online on how to make a acting resume-it's not that hard.

    Some agencies require professional photos that may be pricy, but make sure to find the right agent for you.

    Remember: your the agent's product, so don't give up if an agent does not sign you. Once you get an agent is just where it all begins. Your agent will want you to do everything that will help you gain acting experience.You might also consider getting an acting coach. The main reason to have an agent is to help you by getting you to auditions and casting calls that are not public(which most of them are not). The agent will not help you at the do your best, and make sure to have a high confidence! A lot of auditions will make you travel, depending on where you live. Remember its all about the acting...and best of luck to you!...(hope this helps)

  5. Sweetie, go to a reputable agent. Going online like this is risky at best. The person who offers to help you may be a very bad individual.

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