
I'm 14 and pregnant. What do I do?

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I was at a party, and there was beer since the person's parents weren't home. I had s*x with a boy i've seen around..

I don't even remember it. I felt sick one day, so I took a test, and it came out positive. Should I check again to see if it's right? If it is, then what will I tell my parents???




  1. sweety you are pregnant, the deed is done and now its time to take responsibility for your actions, you need to tell you parents no matter how you feel they will treat you, bc you probably feel scared and feel like they will get mad at you, and they will, but they are your parents and they will help you out and make sure that you and your new baby is healthy. plus they will help you financially. you need to realize that what you did was not gonna judge you on your age bc i was 13 when i first did it and it was awful, and now i completely regret it but there is nothing i can do now. quit drinking, and next time you do it, make sure its with someone you care about and he cares about you so if you get in this situation again, he'll be there for you.focus on the now and not the past. goodluck

  2. omg ur life is ruined im sory but thats the truth..pregnant at 14? thats jus silly...are u absolutly sure? until u know ur sure dnt tel d 'rents...if they find out u were having s*x period ul never be goin te any mre parties soon!...once u no ur sure then tell ur parents...

    good luck

  3. If you tested positive, then you are probably pregnant.

    You need to tell your parents NOW that you are pregnant.

    It will give you time to have an abortion, if you choose to. If you wait, it is much harder to do so. The embyro or fetus grows, every day.

  4. When u say you dont remember it, like at all? Do u remember who the person was? U could of been roofied if it was just one beer, in that case its rape. either way u need to tell your parents. a baby needs prenatal vitamins and u need to get checked for certain things, your responsible for another life now. its time to grow up fast. tell ur parents. get the baby healthy, have it and if you dont want it, give it up for adoption.

  5. Well, now that the deed is done, you should think of yourself, the baby and your family. I am not mentioning the society cause it's not people around you who raised you but it's your parents. I think that you did very well by not wanting to abort the child. Are your parents really strict? If they are, then I suggest that you tell them about it but with a solution ready. First I suggest that you tell the news to the person towards whom you are the nearest to.

    Then if you want you can make the child be adopted by a good family. i think that it is the best solution but you can also choose to raise the child at home.

    Getting the child adopted is best cause the child will have a better life and if you want, you can ask to have regular news about your future baby's well-being.

    However if you parents are not the i-am-going-to-throw-you-out-of-my-house type, you can try to explain the situation to them in a calm way and perhaps, if they agree, to help you take care of the baby.

    Either way you got to tell your parents about it. Never forget that the persons who love you most are them and that hereafter you are never going to deceive them in this sort of way. I think that you've learnt something out of it and that you are not going to do it again. Hey, i it really wasn't my intention to scold you or whatever.

    I really hope that you find a solution soon!!!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

  6. That's it.. You're pregnant, what do you want us to do? Give you a pay check?

    Just tell your parents: Mom, dad, i'm pregnant.

    And lay of the drinks and all that stuff.. It's not necessary to do so at 14.. BE A CHILD! THERE IS SO MUCH TIME LEFT FOR YOU TO BE AN ADULT.

  7. tell your parents, see a doctor, get prenatal care, put the baby up for adoption.

  8. I suggest you look again and double-check. There could've been an error. If it comes out positive a 2nd time explain calmly and slowly to your parents what happened. But do it when they are as calm as possible. If they're pissed, you'll just have to live with the impact

  9. pregnancy tests can only come up positive if the pregnancy hormone comes into contact with it so if its positive then you will be pregnant.

    Well im a mum and I think I would prefer my child to tell me and tell me the truth rather than hide it from me, if you hide it, it could makes things worse.  Obviously I dont know your parents but I am sure they will be there for you and can help you decide what you want and go through your options.

    Good luck

  10. ok honey dont fret! um take the test again and hope for the best, and if it is positive than the only thing you can do is tell your parents. they will be very angry with you but in time the will start to see what a pickle your in and come to your side dispite what you have done. then there is the problem with the baby....... abortion(whitch im against....but its up to you), giving the baby up for adoption......, or keeping the baby and bringing it up as your own.. yes it will be hard but you'll probably come to find that your love will grow in time.

           my mom always says that pregnancy is a beautiful thing.....and she always says that there are no mistakes in the world.... the past is history, the future is a mystery, and today is a gift(thats why is called a present).       think about is and know there are no mistakes.....

                                                              dont give up!!!!!


  11. Ok...ignore everyone that is being nasty. You made a mistake, your regret it's time to make the best of the circumstances and move on from here. So you are pregnant. Next step is going to be to tell your parents. Tell them that you made a big mistake by drinking and your judgement was off. Let them know that you are sorry and that you are ready to start being responsible. Go over whether you want to keep the baby or put it up for adoption. Understand that they are probably going to be upset at first, but that doesn't mean that they don't support you. Your next step is going to be to go to the OBGYN (baby doc) and start your prenatal care. Good luck! If you need anything else feel free to contact me.

  12. You are pregnant, and you have to tell your parents.  You have to make sure your baby is healthy, so you will have to go to the doctor and take vitamins and stuff.  I know your at the age where you have to experience things, but smarten up and don't go to those crazy parties.  Right now your only focuses should be family, the baby, school, and your friends.  Just tell your parents or write them a letter saying your sorry and tell them what your going to do about it.

  13. Wow, your screwed up! Name her mistake!!! Hahahah! I laugh at you.

    I have a girlfriend, she's very pretty (I ain't bragging) But getting her pregant is gonna **** me up. Your life is ruined because of your stupid parents didn't raise you right! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

  14. you should tell your parnets because wheather you like it or not you have to tell them. don't kill the baby because then you will feel so bad. i have this friend that just came over she is in the bathroom but she thinks she is pregnat. your pregant and you have more responsibility and you have another human to take care of other then yourself. my advice is to tell them and hope they will understand. if they don't and get really mad at you, then dont think they don't love you it is just that they can't belive that you are pregnat anmd they don't want to belive it. just tell them and they will understand. plus it will make you feel better.

  15. Your eggo is preggo. Tell your parents the truth. You were stupid enough to drink underage and let some boy you've "seen around" impregnate you.

  16. Im not going to judge you or discriminate you for been 14 just to let you know.

    If you have only just found out that you are then i would personally go to the doctors just for a further test!

    if it is positive then you are most likely to be pregnant.

    Telling your parents is vitaly important you need to act immedietly so you can discuss what your going to do about the situation i no its hard and it will seem like the end of the world but it will all be ok in the end after all your there little girl so there going to be there for you at first they will probs shout and scream and give u the silent treatment then they will be upset and then they will come to terms with it because they will have to... trust me you need to tell them...hope i helped

  17. When in the world are people going to stop blaming us parents for the wrong/bad decisions our children make? We raise you to know the difference between right and wrong and to know the difference of a good or bad choice. What you do out of our sight is NOT our fault. We can't be with you 24/7 to tell you yes or no.

    The problem with your question is that you don't say if the boy you had s*x with is underage or not. If he's not, then he's looking at alot of trouble with the police. Your parents WILL want to know who he is, how old he is and where he lives. These are normal questions so be prepared for them but they'll be said in an angry tone.

    I wish you well, but I can't give you advice on how to tell your parents. The decision you made was a wrong one and now you have to decide YOURSELF what your course of action is going to be.

  18. A positive test is pregnant!

    Tell your parents that they didn't brig you up right, and because of this you were stupid enough to drink illegally and have unprotected s*x with someone you barely know!

    **Bitchy I am not. Bluntly honest I am

  19. I feel for you sweety!

    there are many website u can go o for support and helplines

    yes your parents will be shocked and mad at first, but it will ease to excitement. if its been less than 72 hours you can always get tghe morning after pill, or an abortion. but if it is against your beliefs then keep the baby, or consider adoption? if you did keep the baby how would it effect yoiur life emotionally and physically? this is a very hard decision to make for anyone so i suggest telling a close friend or someone who will understand

    good luck

    my thoughts are with you


  20. your parents obviously DIDNT raise you right - you'd know that s*x is serious for people you love and know - not a one night stand. You tell your mom and take all the punishment she gives you  - cuz hunny, you deserve WAY more. And btw - u push, it's simple rele, but I guess you'd have to be educated to know that.

    btw-u can have a positive pregnancy test and not be preggo. those things aren't completely correct, and it spits out a few false positive. You could hope for that, but most likely it's not a false positive.

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