
I'm 14 and want to start wearing make up?

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i'm 14 and am going to be a freshman in high school in about a week i want to start wearing make up (is this a good age?) because i think my face looks a little dull. I don't want to cake it on i want it too look like i'm barely wearing any but i want it too make a difference. my dad hates make up so what do i do about him? i've never worn make up before and my mom says that i don't need it but they always say that. i have blue eyes and very blond hair and very fare skin what make up would be good for me?




  1. every age has it make up, u are teenage and teenagers makeup will suit u, i think lip gloss or lip palm is good with natural color of eyeshadow and natural color of blusher, when u look to the mirror and u see yourself like u don't wearing any makeup but ur face is flush then this is the right make up ;)

    teenage is mix between being a kid and a women at the same time so u don't have to put heavy make up, keep it natural color of make up.

  2. 14 is a typical age to want to start wearing makeup. I suggest that a little mascara and blush should do the trick. Maybe wear a little pink eyeshadow. I'm 13 and I've been wearing makeup for a while now. I don't like the caked on look either so my makeup routine is about 5 minutes. All I wear is macara and a little eyeliner.

  3. Hey...........always stick on to natural beauty........don't use make ups as far as possible ;;;;;;

  4. Its not that your too young, its just that you should keep it at a natural look. For example, use mascara, it really changes the way your eyes look, but don't use jet black. Jet black usually is noticeable, and is meant more for occasions, so try using a light brown color, or clear. A foundation/toner powder is also good, but not too much. A nice, sun kissed, rosy blush is always cute. A lip gloss that is light or clear always blends in, and gives a nice effect. Just don't over do it! Good Luck!    

  5. well 14 is a little young to be wearing make up tho but if u do put some on use it very lightly. well eyeliner and light blush (maybe the color light pink to brighten up your cheeks) and a little eye shadow but dont put it on too dark tho. but see make up isn't everything u dont need it to look pretty. just be your self and then your looks won't matter.  

  6. well if your mom is okay with it you should have her talk to him. i bet she would understand and 14 is later than most people start wearing it so your dad got pretty lucky. when i first started wearing make up i only put on mascara a little bit of blush and some clear lip gloss. thats still pretty much all i wear and im 14 also. i have blue eyes and the mascara brings them out a lot.

  7. i am like the master at being ckae fce with out you not even being able to tell. like my mom doesn't even allow me to wear face makeup and i wear SO much, and she doesn't even know. first i do my eyes because it's too hard to do face makeup and then eyes. so eyeliner (rimmel london or mary kay) in black, but start off with light brown since you're just beginning and have light skin. you don't want to mae too much of an impact, it's something you ease into and start to experiment with later. on the top you want to do a thin even line for a while ( then thick, then darker colors) and on the bottom go right into your lashes about mid way down. do very little on the inside of your lid, like the red part. then for face, i usually use mac cover up or mary kay full coverage if i'm breaking out, just like right on the pimple. then honestly like just a dime size amount of flirt foundation from kohls or mary kay medium coverage foundation all over my face on a sponge. and i mix the foundation with like a little bit more than dime sized moisturiser so i get coverage, but it's not heavy or dry cause you';re skin absorbs the moisture in the cream and less oils. then i use either cover girl or mary kay powder all over. and lipgloss if you want.  when picking face and lip colors, pay attetnion to your undertones, like i'm really olive, so alot of my foundations seem like greenish, yellow brown before i rub it in.  

  8. I think its a perfectly fina age to wear make up. My parents had a problem when I first started but they got over it. Just dont over do it. I would recomend something very simple to start with and then start wearing a little more as you rparents get comfortable with it. You could start with some lip gloss or some eyeliner. Then you could put some very nuetral shades of eyeshadow like some light and dark browns with some mascara. Just put on one or two coats so its not to thick and your parents wont notice tooo much. Just start simple. That, I think, Is the easiest way to deal with parents who disapprove of make up

  9. If i were you i would just invest in a tinted moisturiser, some clear or brown mascara and a tinted lipbalm or clear gloss. If you're worried that your face will still look dull i would look at getting a pink blush.

    In regards to your parents, firstly i don't think it matters a huge amount! But you can always let them know that you won't be wearing a lot of dramatic makeup, just some simple, light stuff that will help brighten your face up!

  10. im 13 and i started weiring makeup @ 11. lol. uhmmtry a nude eyeshadow gray eyeliner clear mascara and pale pink blush and se through gloss

  11. Well first you need to be sure that your parents agree with you wearing makeup. If they say yes then I would recommend a dash out the door look and it consist of:

    Foundation - Only if needed ( if you have blemishes )

    Mascara - to make your eyes pop

    Lip Gloss - To give you a polish look with color and make the lips pop

    Bronzer - only if your skin is pale, to ive you color and more texture.

  12. i started wearing make up with like 12.

    golden, soft beige, brown or rose tone eye shadow would look natural but cute. black mascara and maybe a thin line of eyeliner. for your lips...brownish lip gloss (smashbox lip enhancing gloss-true color) or chapsticks.

  13. Yes i think it is a good age

    i am 13  and i started wearing it when  i was starting 7th grade bc People made fun of me

  14. ive been wearing makeup since the like end of fifth grade so i think your good

  15. you should wear eyeliner mascara a little blush but not too much and some lipgloss  

  16. I don't think make up is a good look, maybe just some lip gloss it good enough.

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