
I'm 14 but im quiet how to i become more interesting in making speeches?

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I'm 14 but im quiet how to i become more interesting in making speeches?




  1. Pretend you're somebody else.

    I use to pretend i was Gen George Patton when making speeches. that worked quite well, as he was an excellent speaker.

    I knew someone who used the same thing, but chose to emulate Hitler.

    That was not good...  

  2. Play to your strengths, my dear.

    If you are quiet, use it. Use pregnant pauses and eye contact. Speak clearly and on the slower side. Imagine a very old, very wise person who speaks with intensity without raising their voice. Then do the same.

  3. It's always easier to make a speech if you are really interested in the topic, so if you get to choose (ie it is not for school or something), talk about something you know a lot about and that you find interesting.  Write your whole speech, practice it several times and then once you have it down write the highlights on a note card for your reference.  That helps you avoid the temptation to read the whole time, which bores audiences to tears.  Other than that, just have fun.  Relax because public speaking is not a life or death thing :)  

  4. If you're in high school, you may want to consider joining your school's speech and debate team. Even as a beginner, a well trained and enthusiastic speech coach will help you with writing speeches, selecting the best prose/topic and help you with delivery and presentation. As you become more comfortable, you may want to enter local speech competitions to keep you at top notch.  

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