
I'm 14! is that to old for ballroom dancing!?

by  |  earlier

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hi! i'v done Irish dancing for 10 years but i quit last year! so now i want something new and i'v been looking up ballroom, i no your never to old to learn to dance and 14 is young, but i would love to enter comps and stuff however i no some ballroom dancers my age have been dancing for years and years! but would teachers give me a chance?? or what sould i do?? plz help!!

Aoife! x*x




  1. I just started ballroom lessons in January.  I'm 23 years old.  It is NEVER too late.  I've heard that one of the instructors at my studio learned when she was an adult, and she's REALLY good!  Beautiful technique and everything.  I doubt I'll enter competitions, if I do it won't be for a very long time, but I think if you have the drive and you're committed you can do it :)

    And you don't necessarily need a partner, you just need to make sure the studio you go to teaches singles as well as couples.  At my studio, there are a lot of singles (women of course... always more women then men!) and I'm a single too.  They partnered me with one of the male instructors when I started and he's a really good teacher :)

    Good luck!  Ballroom is lots of fun :)

  2. Oh my gosh!

    I started ballroom dancing when I was 14[i am now 16]

    I think that if you have a good teacher and a good partner then why couldn't you compete?

    I have been training in both styles for about 2 years, and I am going to compete this summer!

    If this is something you want to try then I say go for it! and who cares if kids your age have been dancing longer then you, when you first started Irish dancing I bet their were kids your age who had started before you!

    Anyways what I am trying to say is, you should really look into ballroom dancing! Its alot of fun and you get to meet some interesting people!

    And as for the whole teacher thing, most  teachers love to have new students[atleast my teacher dose]

    * if you have any questions about ballroom then feel free to ask me anytime!*

  3. You shouldn't be too old. They should let you dance if other people your age are dancing ballroom. I say go ahead and try. Like I said, they should let you. so yeha, if you get in, have fun! ^^

  4. Many top ballroom dancers started later.

  5. no, not at all, in my opinion. some people might say that, but it's never too late.

  6. NO!  Look at Dancing with the Stars: they are all a lot older than 14.  Go for it!!!

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