
I'm 14 years old. My family is moving to Germany. I don't know any German. How I going to go to school there?

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I have always lived here but my family and I we have visited other European countries like England and France. How am I going to finish school there when I can't even speak any German. I have tried to get my parents to stay but they won't. My dad's job is making him relocate. They say I just will have to get used to it and I will eventually like it there. The worst part is that my little brother actually wants to go. How am I going to adapt to Germany? Any advice would help. Thanks :)




  1. I would suggest you talk your parents into enrolling you into the International School if they haven't done so already.

    Here is their link:

  2. Yikes CAM, you have a real problem there....I would try right away to find a "high school" that taught in English (maybe at a military base, or international school or something)...German high schools are a lot tougher than in the U.S. and your chances of doing well are poor doing it this way...Yes, you will pick up the language quickly, but not that quickly...I had an acquaintance from Japan who tried this and he would cry everyday after school because he was doing so poorly and felt he was letting his family down...Start looking for an alternative or a pile of tutors or something NOW. This just isn't going to work without extraordinary effort..Sorry to be so harsh, you will love Germany, everyone does, but this school situation as you state it is ridiculous..

  3. You will like it here ... I`m pretty shure :))

  4. First in Germany they have international schools, and I guess your parents put you in one, and most the German people speaking English, I think there is any problems for you.

    I remember in 1999 in Houston/TX. my daughter had a classmate she was from Germany, and she didn't understand any English, but in few days she was doing great job in the classroom. So don't worry so much, you can learn new language, new people. and new places. Not many people have this opportunity. I wish you good luck.

  5. Enroll in German classes asap.

    You won't have much problems in daily life

    as most Germans speak acceptable English.

    But most kids your age won't. At least not

    to a degree where it's easy to communicate.

    Public schools are German only but there

    a few "international" schools where teaching

    language usually is English.

    If you're from the U.S. maybe there's a way

    to visit a military base school.

  6. The only thing you need to do is to your dam stop whining and Listen to your parents. I never thought I would actually answer one of these but this is question is just down right retarded. At least your brother has some dam sense, living overseas can be a great experience.  I bet not of your friends can say they lived in Germany. Remember it will be what you make of it. So you just need to suck it up and drive on! I did and I love it here.

  7. they have international schools most poeple know english as a language.  Welcome you will have a great time i promise.....heck maybe you will like it so much you will try to learn german (Its not very hard)  I did it in 6 months

    american living in Germany

  8. English is spoken in Germany all over. You won't have a problem and also German will not be hard for you to catch on to at your age. Languages won't be a problem. It's just that it's a big move for you socially and in other ways. I wish you luck.

  9. I will trade places with you lol, i love germany, well most people in germany speak english so you wont have much trouble communicating and being in a german class you will probably pick up german the same way you learned your first language, by trial and error and just that being the only thing you hear. but if you really don't want to go then talk to your parents and tell them that it is too far from where you were born and you dont want to leave your friends.

  10. I'm in the same situation as you except that my parents chose to go and it wasn't because of a job. Anyway to keep up with my studies I've bought some books from amazon that my teachers are using in my old school and then they're e-mailing me quite regularly so I can keep up. Also don't worry about spending all of your time studying because the school finishes really early. Like one.

    If you're worried about not fitting in I wouldn't be because everyone will love you. That's because you're different. You're unexplored territory - you've got to remember that most of these people have never even met foreigners before so you're a novelty.

    Don't worry about not liking Germany - you'll love it!!! It's something to do with the mix of sport (all of the time), healthy food, gorgeous cakes and bread and friendly people!!

    If you're worried about learning German then trust me it'll come. I can tell that my German has come on so much since I've lived here which means that when you move back to England (if you do) then you'll be able to take an exam in German and get highest marks! Also the school I'm at paid for a special teacher to come in after school to give me and my siblings a crash course in German.

    Whenever I felt really low because I was either missing friends in England or I'd had a really bad day then I'd tell myself just that - it's just one day that went wrong and you think the worlds ending. So I thought hey I'm stuck with this so better make the best of it. And that's the only advice I can give you - make the best of it because you're stuck with it!

    When we first came here I was exactly the same as you - worried about my education and really really really dreading going. But in the end I love it and I don't regret coming here. For example last night I had a dream about going back to England and it was actually a nightmare!!! So seriously you've just got to make the best of it! And think - how many other people get this chance? To soak up another culture whilst at the same time learning a new language?

  11. My parents did the same thing to me when I was a kid, but in reverse.  I think you're getting the better end of the deal.  You'll love it.  14 year olds have a lot more freedom there and you will adapt very quickly.  School won't be a problem.  They will help you and you are not the first foreigner to enroll in school there.  It'll be ok, and it will open a whole new world to you.  Don't be scared of it.  You're very lucky to have this opportunity.

  12. Welcome! Nice to have you over here!

    That's probably what most people will say to you, and you'll pick up the German language real fast.

    Did you already do an internet search for people who moved over here and write about their experiences in a blog? There are quite a few; you should try that out and contact them by email.

    Finishing school here is not really a big problem. You say, you're 14 years old, so the first thing your parents will have to do is send you to the local school; this is obligatory by law. And your brother will probably be at the same school, so that's an advantage. Don't be shy! You'll learn German, and you can teach the Germans some English. It's a big world, it's a small world, it's a wide-open wonderful world! (Caught up the last line from an Australian singer, but can't remember her name.)

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