
I'm 14 years old and I've been having s*x for a year now, could this be dangerous?

by Guest60389  |  earlier

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I've had three parteners.

Ive been sexually active since i turned 13




  1. Well, if you consider getting pregnant as dangerous, yes it is.

    At this rate, it is very likely that you will end up pregnant by the time you are 16 and will have probably had an STD also.

  2. um babies, STD's, negative feelings, Yeah its dangerous! Are you ready to take of a baby or have a disease for the rest of your life?

    Then just say no. Wait until your married, it will be alot better experience then anyway!

  3. ssssslllllllluuuuuuuuuuu


  4. YOU ARE 14, AND SEXUALLY ACTIVE???????? Oh, please don't do this to yourself. I'm not judging your life, but these boys probably don't care anything about you. They just want one thing. If I was you, I would just stop doing things. Kissing should be the limit for your age. It should be the limit for any age (except in marriage), but especially your age, though! Oh, my. I have a cousin that got pregnant at the age of 13, and her life has went to pot. Please don't do this to yourself. Just wait until that special one comes later in your life. It's really a horrible thing to do what you're doing. You just don't know how many diseases are out there just waiting for you. Those boys you are with probably have been with numbers of girls. Just please stop before it's to late! You will also really regret doing this when you do find that special one. What if he is a virgin, you would feel pretty bad. Please check this source out below.  

  5. whoa there....hahahahahaha kids these days!!

  6. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm okkay  sweety u should jus keep ur legs closed........ but i dont think its dangerous  

  7. WHOA! DONT YOU THINK YOU ARE ALITTLE YOUNG?!?!?!? ill talk to you like a mature adult tho. it is dangerous to have s*x with many partners. you could get some type of STD. and their is the chance of a baby coming out of nowhere. i would stay away from s*x. leave it to the older people to add to the population. your young and can do lots of other things then s*x.  

  8. IF you dont intend on becoming a teenage mom, or wind up getting HIV, i  suggest you stop having s*x. There are other ways to show affection to your partner, and one day when you meet that one special guy that changes your life, youll be sorry that you gave yourself away to so many other men that didnt mean all that much to you.  

  9. yes it is dangerous!

    you could get pregnant or have a disease for the rest of your life

    if your 'partners' actually cared for you, they would wait

    you shouldn't have s*x until your married

    even if you do choose to have s*x it should be with someone who you are in love with

    u should wait till you are older

  10. yea u should probably stop

    its a little S****y btw

  11. Eurgh you make me feel ill.

  12. Any sexual contact can be dangerous. Since you have made the decision to be sexually active it is up to you to make that decision safer by making sure condoms are used. They are not 100% effective against the transmission of STD's but they are a safer choice. There is no such thing as safe s*x, unless you are in a monogamous relationship and even then you must know absolutely what your partner is doing and not doing.

    Are you worried you have been exposed to anything? If so please see a Doctor and be tested. Planned Parent hood is a good clinic if you worry about your parents finding out, its confidential there,.

    You don't want to spread anything else. And you don't want to let something go and get out of hand in your own body.


  13. Yes, that is very dangerous. There are so many diseases out in the world today. Such as AIDS, HIV and many others that I don't know how to spell. Plus you can get pregnant, even if you use protection. You are so young and it would be terrible if you had to give up your high school years to take care of a baby or have a disease that you will have for the rest of your life.  

  14. Yes, but it has nothing to do with your age. As long as you've had a period, your body is physically ready for s*x. Having 3 partners is dangerous because of STI's (sexually transmitted infections) such as HIV, herpes, chlamydia, etc. I really hope you're using condoms and if you're not already on the pill, pleaaase get on it. You can get it free or cheap from Planned Parenthood without a prescription. Having a kid at 14 would ruin your life. If you plan on continuing having s*x, just be sure to take the proper precautions.

  15. Heather K

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