
I'm 14 years old and my boyfriend is 17?

by  |  earlier

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Alright so I know that if we have s*x (which we are not) it's illegal. But what about if we are only dating? Cause I really dont understand why it would be illegal if we aren't engaging in sexual acts. Especially since he is under 18.

Could someone please explain to me the rules of these kind of things? I live in oregon if that is of any help...




  1. hey
    well i am 15, almost 16 n dating a 17 year old guy almost 18.
    we have s*x. but i know  it is not only physical because when we didnt have s*x for 2 months because of an operation i got he didnt leave me.
    Guys, be safe. s*x is beautiful and we shouldnt be ashamed of our bodies or let any rules stop us from fulfilling what are bodies are made to do. I just think of it like: my body is ready to have childern when im 13! Of course i won't, but who are the people in the governmnet to tell me when i can?!
    Have fun but be careful. Check for STD's and use a condom!

    GOOD luck :))

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