
I'm 14 yrs old and I still need my mom at night?

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Is this strange?? I still feel like I need to have my mom with me before I go to bed at night. She's getting tired of it. What should I do?




  1. just try to have less and less time with her each night. like if shes in ther for five minutes usually just cut off a couple minutes each time and then just have stand in the doorway and say good night and then just have her pass by and then just hear her say good night and then you wont need her anymore. dont worry my night problem was even weirder i couldnt stop sucking my thumb till i was like 11. haha

    good luck!

  2. if it's nightmares you having shut the window before going to bed. Cold rooms can produce a bad dreams. If that is not the reason you need your mother then you really don't need her to you before going to bed. You need to think that your young adult that you don't need her before you go to bed. My son did the same thing as you did till he was 11. My wife usually go to his room say good night and kissed him on the forehead till one day he said it was enough I'm all growned up

  3. This is absolutely not strange at all! I'm thirteen and I still have troubles sleeping alone.

    I don't know if this is your problem, but my problem is when it is quiet. I need SOME NOISE if I am sleeping alone, or else I can't sleep! What I do is I keep my TV on every night when I go to bed, since I have one in my room. It helps me because I can hear the people talking while I go to bed, so I feel liek other people are in the room with me. I normally turn it to a kid's show, also. Then you hear teh laugh tracks, and it helps a lot. Buut, FYI, I turn on the timer on my TV so I don't waste power, but I still hear the TV until I am asleep.

    I suggest doing what I do if you have a TV in your bedroom.

    Hope I helped,


    chelseeeey.  (:

  4. My sister is 14 and she still has to sleep with one of us (mom,dad, or me)  or else she just can't go to bed.  I think its weird cause I stopped that when I was like at the most  6 or 7.

  5. Is this a major problem for you or your mom?  She tires of it because perhaps she has to stay a little too long?  Remind her that kids need their moms (and so do grown-ups) and you obviously have a special bond with her.  When you are grown and away from the family home you (and she) will cherish the times you spent with your mom.  It's hard to recapture those moments.  Who else can a young girl turn too in the dark when her thoughts stray to all the frightening things going on in the world today if not her mom?  Give her a hug from me too and tell her thanks for being there.

  6. I was 18 and still calling for my mom when I had nightmares.  I asked for my mom during labor with all three of my children.  Some of us need our mommy's just a little more than others.  lol  That being said, you're old enough that you shouldn't need her by your bed just to go to sleep.  Why do you feel that way?  Are you scared of the dark (I am)?  If so, get a nightlight and a picture of her to keep on your night stand.

  7. Its okay youll out grow it.

  8. grow up

  9. Well your certainly different from me because I would love to sleep in this house with no one else but me inside it and I love being on my own when I'm outside my house it really gives me a peace of mind.

    I believe we should all strive to be independent to at least some degree. For you, you should try to break this cycle and go to bed on your own. If you keep doing it you will eventually get used to it. I'm only saying you do this because I believe its for your own good but you don't have to listen to me I'm just sayin...

  10. no not really i think its more of a mental thing, i think yo just like knowing that fact that your mom is there and it makes you feel safe knowing that, its a comfort thing. :-)  If thats the case then just try saying good night to her before you go to bed and just go to bed by yourself afterwards so she dosnt have to be with you. just kinda whene yourself off

  11. I'm 15 and I still make my parents turn my light off for me when I go to bed.

    So, it's not like your the only one.... Not sure what to suggest though...

  12. aw... im married now.. have been for 6 months almost... im 18 and sometimes... i just want to drive home in the middle of the night and sleep in my old bed.

  13. How do you mean? I dont think it's strange for a 14 yr old to feel like they still need the security of her parents...but, if you are like, sleeping with her, that would be a little strange.

  14. get a nit lite...or a stuffed animal

  15. Well u should go to a cousler or a doctor its not rare or common 4 teens to do this

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