
I'm 15, 6ft 1in tall and weigh 225 Am i obese

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I'm 15, 6ft 1in tall and weigh 225 Am i obese




  1. when i was 15 i was 6'1 and weighed about 140 (more or less). so....i'd guess you're fat (unless you are a body builder in training)

  2. It's really hard to say without seeing you.  You might be all muscle with minimal  body fat in which case you definitely wouldn't be obese - on the other hand, if you have a belly that hangs over your belt and your butt wobbles when you walk, well ... yeah, you probably are.

    I checked with a BMI calculator on line ( and it shows your BMI is 29.7 which is in the obese range ... but you have to remember that body composition is really what determines it.

    A friend of mine is 6'4" and weighs close to 300#, but he's also a competitive heavy events athlete at Scottish games where he tosses telephone poles into the air.  He has very little body fat and his arms are bigger than my legs.  He is NOT obese.

    Really depends on how you're put together.

  3. Well, I entered your info into a bmi calculator and this is what I got:

    (You didn't say your gender)



    You can always enter the exact information to find out for sure, and plus, if a muscle man did the online bmi calculator, it would show him as being overweight. So, really, only your doctor can tell you. Hope that helps!

  4. your tall so your not obese  

  5. it really depends see im about 6'8 bout your age and  270 BUT I AM BUILT LIKE A MOTHA YOU KNOW SO I MEAN YOU SHOULD KNOW IF YOU ARE FLOOBY AND NOT BUILT THEN YEAH

  6. If you feel and look fat you probably are overweight. BMI and other formulas are silly, as someone could easily be 225 at that height and be in extremely good shape (a football player, for example). If you're in good shape, then you are not obese. I know people who are around 6 feet and less than 150 pounds, but they aren't in shape at all.

  7. yes you are a bit too much heavy

  8. yes u are very obese!!! lose it or lose your life

  9. not obese, just a bit chunky!

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