
I'm 15, and I want a baby. I don't know why, I just do.?

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I have watched the Secret Life of an American's my favorite show.

Even though people keep telling me i shouldnt have one..i still want one, and I believe I want one because my parents did a terrible job with me...and they are always saying you will see one day when you have children...and I want to prove to them that Im going to be a great mother-unlike my mother who didnt take care of me at all.




  1. oh no you don't. i had a baby at 16 and another at 17 sure they are cute but alot of work required. As of now i am going to college balancing school, trying to find work, two kids, my husband and managing my household,and believe me it's not advice to you is to apppreciate your childhood while you have it. try to make sure that you are stable enough to raise a child, it's not like a toy you cant decide they are not fun anymore and head back to walmart for a refund!

  2. It is normal to want a baby at your age.

    But can you take care of this child WITHOUT the government's help?

    Do you have an extra $ 1.000,00 a month to spend on a child (clothes, shoes, day care so you can go to school...)? If you do you can have a baby.

  3. You're way too young to have a child at this age. Go out and make some friends. Live life, educate yourself, and experience things before tying yourself down with a HUGE responsibility. Babies are not toys; they are 18 + years of time, work, and money. Yes, children are beautiful, but until you can take care of yourself ( i.e hold a job, pay all of the bills, own a vehicle, have the ability to drive yourself places, and  have finished a highschool education, you're not ready.  

  4. You just think that you do, get a babysitting job. You will change your mind.

  5. Having a child at your age is NOT a good idea! I'm your age and at other schools ive seen teens go through the teasing, taunting, glares, and laughter at the fact that they were stupid enough to have a child. What about the child's father? Are you going to force him to pay child support against his will, no boy wants to be tied down with a child before that age of 20. OR are you planning on becoming another statistic? Having government housing or having your guardian take care of the baby, leaving them tied down to a child that they didn't want you to have. OR MAYBE you could think about the child, how he/she will feel when you hear the kids have been teasing him because his mom is just a kid.  

  6. Have you seen the secret life of the american teenager. The whole point of that show is to stop teenage pregnecy. Now if you have enough money to suport you and your child in buying food, and milk, and everything. Everything gets messed up. Trust me, unless you want everything to get messed up, then don't have a baby.

    Watch this video. It will really help.  

  7. Ha. Ha. Ha.

    No you don't.

    Watch "The Baby Borrowers".

    Good luck, sweetheart.  

  8. get a dog, trust me.  

  9. just wait until your married!

  10. U will get over that feeling because it isn't as glamorous as it may sound.  As a mother u want to be able to at least have an education, your own home, car, and be financially set before you have a have a way to go, sweetheart.  Enjoy not having that responsibility.  

  11. I'm 20, I want one too, I feel its about time I got my girl pregnant. But in reality I'm not ready financially nor do I have the time to take one of those on right about now so I'll wait til everything is right so I don't have to sacrifice more than I have for it and in turn not make the child live the life I would like it to live.

    Neither do I think my girlfriend is prepared mentally as yet to properly go through with the pregnancy, and she is also 20. In addition to mental preparation needed for her she will also have the same issues I have, so bottom line, wait until we are both prepared to take care of a child.

    You are 15, should be in high school, you should finish that. You need money to take care of a child, preferably your own, and you cant get a job that pays enough for that til you're 16 or 18. Plus the baby will be another 'job' that's a lot of work, think you're ready for that?

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