
I'm 15, what job can i get? (i need a job =( )?

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I'm 15, what job can i get? (i need a job =( )?




  1. You should still be in school studying!!!

  2. you can work at mcdonalds at 14.

  3. publix yo

  4. Maybe starbucks.

  5. Any skill-less job you want. You just need a work permit from your school counselor :P

  6. Chick filet hires at age 14.

  7. Theres a new online job oppertunity that is opening up that will yeild a profit of infinity. Its a new web upgrade plug-in that will upgrade the entire net to web2.0 funtionality. Its a site such as myspace that SHARES its revenues with its FREE members. Im 16 and currently making money with it, its a great program. Email me back if you want the link to this wonderful oppertunity!

  8. Wait until you are 16 and try working at a library. The starting position at our local library is a book shelver ($9/hour). It's worth looking into... the people are generally nice, the hours arent too early or too late, and you can work about 15-20 hours a week.

  9. snow cones!

  10. I'm 16 and I'm working now. To be honest, you can work at alot of places. Restaurants, stores, some privately owned companies (landscaping for example). But you really should look at what pays the most in my opinion.

    1. Your first job, or any job as a teenager, WILL suck. You get treated like c**p, and its all grunt work, and cleaning stuff.

    2. Most jobs pay minimum, so look for one that pays more than that. I work at a minimum wage job as a cashier, and I get nothing but c**p from everyone.

  11. You can apply to paper work delivery. You don’t get paid much at fist .But hey, it’s a start. :P

  12. you could make your own lil buisness, try making some flyers to babysit, walk dogs, deliver groceries! lil stuff like that! and you will for sure get some money!

  13. jobs are great but you really dont have to work right now. think of it this way.. when youre older, you will be working pretty much fo the rest of your life. i say enjoy the next 2-3 yrs of your life or even the next 7 yrs if youre going to college and have the moneyy to pay for it(scolarships, etc.)

  14. publix haha stores mall or if u can swim try life guard i dont know wat the requirements are but they get paid pretty good

  15. you can babysit... or if you know of a job that you are really interested in you can go ask the manager if he will hire you... usually places don't hire kids under 26 because they can't drive, and they can't pay them minimum wage, so really all you can do is ask the places where you would like a job and see what they say.

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