Hi, I turned 15 on July 19th, 2008
my voice is not deep at all
if i tilt my head up theen you see a little adams apple, not noticeable
I have a decent amount of pubic hair
You can't really see my armpit hair (maybe a little is noticeable)
I think im a little overwieght, im not totally obese i might be a couple pounds overwieght
My p***s hasnt really changed, its about 2 inches alone
and about 4 inches erect
I have random erections
i didnt and i wont ask my dad wen he hit puberty because its too embarissing, and we were talking and he asked me about girls and stuff, and he said he was having s*x at 13 (that was in the 70's lol)
This is EXTREMELY embarissing, because all of my friends have deep voices, and they say stuff like "haha your balls havent dropped yet" and its really bugging me
Please give me a clue about whats going on!