
I'm 15. Just found out that i am pregnant.?

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Okay, this is difficult. Im 15, and until up to about a month ago i was sleeping with this older guy, he'll be 24 next month. But i had always liked this guy at school that is my age. Then about a month ago i broke everything off with the older guy. And then from then on the guy at school asked me out and everythings been going really well.. He's really sensible and i felt like i had started something that wasnt like my relationship with the older guy, not based on s*x. Then the other day i found out that i am pregnant, to the older guy coz me and the guy my age have not had s*x yet. I feel really caught up. I haven't told anyone and i don't know who to go to. I am not close to my parents.They are devorced and ever since things have been bad for me and my brother.Any genuine advice would be great thankyou. No nasty comments please.




  1. This is a site that helps you break the news to your parents



    I am not going to be nasty

    I suggest you come up with a plan,before you tell them,you have made a adult choice,and now its time to start acting like one.

    Here are some sites to help you out:

    Here are some support groups:

    Here is a way to stay home with your baby,and go to school after baby is born.

    I suggest you find a job:

    Grocery store

    movie theater

    baby sitting


    Costs of pregnancy:

    If you are close to your brother,and very near in age like 1 to 2 years apart,you can tell him,and he can be there for you while you tell your parents.

    I suggest you hve a few things taken care of first,like some job apps in a few differant places,tell your babys father,your boy friend,haveing gone down to a wic office.

    Think about going to summer school so you can fiish high school faster.Present them with some type of plan it will make it easier.

    This is my e-mail contact me any time if you need some advice if you send me a e-mail I will give you my cell number

  2. while i could give you nasty comments and such, i can totally help you out here, talk to a counselor or perhaps the parents of a really close friend, even talk to someone from a planned parenthood. and maybe if you can find someone else who has had a baby at a young age, or is pregnant or was or something. i was 17 when i got pregnant, but i was raped, he was like 30 and we worked together. i really didn't have anyone to go to except my parents, and well, i lied and told them that i had been involved with a guy sexually for a while and we hadn't used protection or anything and that i was pregnant, they took it very well for being 17 and still in high school. and today i am a college student with a four almost five year old. without my parents being there for me i don't know what would have happened. it is always important to have someone who will be there for you even if it isn't your parents.

  3. I Had to answers this: Being 15 is young. (heard that enough) But the answers you have gotten are (harsh) but what can you expect. But im hear to answer your question truthful. Well you need to find you way with the lord. "Trust me its important" and its one thing that you schould tell someone. dont hide it tell it to one of your best friends some one you trust. And well wow girly a boy who is 23 going 24 idk. "be smart" but its ture when you fall in love it makes you do crazy thing im not telling you what you did was "right" its wrong. Its know a Problem for you. Your Pregant. Im not an adult im 18. And ill pry for you "might sound werid" but its going to help. Pry. And just "THINK" about whats your next move. And hears the harsh part "what were you thinking having s*x" thats just plain dumb, At least waite till your 17 or 18 your 15 way to young and its worst at that age. Its that little voice that should have listen tooo!! well good luck and ill pry, Just please "think" it out. and pry to god! hes an ANSWER

  4. You should tell someone you can trust.  I think the boy from school might be able to help.  I think you should tell your mom as well or even  your dad. Someone has to help you.

  5. You need to see a doctor, and you need to see one NOW. There is no sense in putting off telling your parents, or at least an adult you can trust, because you cannot hide the fact that you are pregnant. You will be showing in a matter of months, and it's not going to get any easier at this point. The first thing you need to do is tell your parents or an adult you can trust. They will be able to help you from there. This pedophile that got you pregnant needs to be made aware of it as well, and I'm sure your parents/adult you trust will make sure he gets what he deserves as well. Don't worry about that boy you like right now, because you have much bigger things to worry about. How will you take care of the baby? How will you finish your education? You REALLY need to talk to someone, the sooner the better. The longer you wait, the more you will risk your health and the health of your baby. Good luck to you, and I hope you make smarter decisions in the future.

  6. Shame on the 24 year old for sleeping with you. He could end up in jail!

    Tell your parents, there's no other choice if you live with them. And tell the father as well.

    Good luck. Harsh as it is, i'm glad i'm not you!

  7. I think you shoould tell the older guy, your new boyfriend, and someone who will listen. You have to decide what is right for you.

  8. It sounds like you really need to talk to someone. This must be a really hard and stressful time for you.  I would suggest going to a "Pregnancy Center" in your area.  You would be able to sit down and talk things out with someone outside the situation, who is just there to listen to you, and help in any way they can.  I actually have a resource with phone numbers in it if you want to e-mail me the general area (I mean state) in which you live.  

    There is no point in dwelling on past mistakes, you need to learn from them and go on.  If you would like to talk more or need help please feel free to e-mail me.  I noticed unfortunately that you got several negative, hurtful, and very unhelpful comments, and I am sorry for the stress that they may have added to this situation for you.  I am proud of you that you have reached out for advice and support because it is a very hard and mature thing to do.


  9. you need to tell the older guy and your bf what is happening. You made a mistake, but it is too late to just regret it and now you have to deal with the consequences.

    you have options:

    1. have the baby and keep it. The dad will have to pay child support and you can get help from the government to raise your kid, you might feel like you are too young but he can turn out to be the biggest blessing in your life.

    2. you can give the baby up for adoption. i think this is a bad option. the baby will have many problems when it grows up an it is going to hurt when he finds out that his mom gave him away because she didnt want him.

    3. You can have an abortion. if you are going to have one, do it as soon as possible before the baby develops any further.

    i wish you the best of luck. Be a little more careful in the future.

  10. Okay, you are definitely going to need some help here. I recommend you look in your phone book for a pregnancy resource (or pregnancy crisis) center near you and go talk all this out with a counselor. They are there to help you and want to do everything they can to help you! You are so young to be going through this, and I'm so sorry you are.

    I don't feel like I can give you any advice beyond that for the moment. Your situation is too complicated for someone to give you super advice without having you face to face and being able to ask you questions (and give you a hug.)

    I'll pray for you.

    ***EDIT: Alright you guys! Enough with all the insults and being mean to this poor girl. Do you like getting kicked when you're down? If you can't be supportive and caring you shouldn't be answering pregnancy questions.

           As for you hon, just ignore the mean answers. I can't believe some people.

  11. Definitely a difficult situation hun - you're going to need some support in this.  If there is any crises pregnancy centres in your area, they have alot of info and experience to help you make your next step.  If you don't have one, maybe a pastor in a church nearby would have some connections - they're usually able to meet with someone who needs help - I know that may sound intimidating, but you really need some support and advice from someone who can talk to you personally.

    Also talk to your parents - this will be hard, but maybe they can help you out with these things.  Maybe they can go to the crisis pregnancy centre with you.

    It is only fair as well to talk to the older ex boyfriend, as this is his baby too now, and since you are in a relationship with another boy, you will need to talk to him about it.  Not right away - you will need to deal with these other things first.  Also, make an appointment with a doctor and get a check-up and learn what to do from there.  (Take prenatal vitamins and folic acid).  The crisis pregnancy centre should be able to help you find a doctor if you don't have one currently.

    Also, I believe the 24 yr. old would only go to jail if you or your parents pressed charges.

  12. First of all, you are a child, your actions show it... Knocked up at 15... Come on now. How could you not know that having s*x with a 24 year is wrong...... I would put his *** in prison. He knew better and so did you. Dont blame it on the parents divorce either. I would seek counseling and tell your parents, close or not , they are going to find out .  As far as sensible.... Think about it, you used no sence at all.....

  13. i would have to say to tell both of the guys.

    the older because he's the father, and the one your age because if you're going out, then that's kind of hard to hide a pregnancy from him.try atlest telling your mom. and if she doesn't listen, then just say 'oh well. i tried.' then try telling your friends. [that's if you haven't already told them] friends help in that kind of problem. they always work together to form a conclusion...and let their parents get involved...they can help too. maybe even more than your parents.

    it's not going to be a fun journey, but just stick with it, and trust me, you'll get through it somehow.

    all in all, i just say to try not to really put yourself out there, but do try to let people know [the ones that you trust] and they will most likely do their best to help you get through it. and not by yourself.

  14. Okay, so everyone else has already reemed you a new.....  I'm suer you already knew what was okay & not okay... So I'm not gonna go there. Now you have a couple of choices. If you have a Best friend or someone you really trust, I would confide in that person, so you don't feel as desperate & alone.  You have to be an adult now though & be responsible, I would find a Dr./ clinic/the health department, that you can go to ASAP. It is confidential, so no one would know but you & the Dr. Find out for sure,, and how far along you are and then make the choice, soon, about whether or not you are gonna keep the baby. It is true that if you keep the baby, or if your parents or the law find out the daddy of teh baby was 24, he WILL do jail time for   and have to register asa s*x offender for the rest of his life. But don't worry about that, he made that choice & took that chance. You have to take care of yourself. If you decide to keep the baby, PLEASE take care of yourself, eat healthy, take prenatal vitamins, don't drink or do drugs. Give your baby a chance to be healthy. And you should tell your parents. They will probably get mad at you, and you have to expect that. Becasue as a parent you want the BEST for your kids & its scary to think of what they have possibly done to their future. BUT, they will come around, and I'm sure support you & your decision, whatever it may be. But remember you cant act like a child anymore, YOU are NOW expected to act as and ADULT and make ADULt deciosions. Good Luck! Take Care. Hope that helps!

  15. Oh, sweetie!!!!  The 24 year old is a bad man who need to be in jail so he can't prey on sweet young women any more!!  What he did to you was rape and he needs to be prosecuted !!!  I am so sorry for you, I know you are terrified and scared.  I wish I could help you in some tangible way (drive you to the doc or be with you when you tell your parents)  But I cannot.  I will pray for you and if you ever want any information on what your options are or just need a non-judgmental grown-up to talk to, please feel free to e-mail me!!  Make sure if you are even considering having the baby (which I advise) to start taking pre-natal vitamins NOW!!!!!!!!!  My only real advice other than that is to make sure you take a friend or trusted family member with you to tell your parents!!

  16. I hope u ok and everthing is fine.

    which period of your pregency.

    i think i help you stop your pregency.

    who his she to you i'm talking about 24 years older

  17. okay first off. you can go to a place for preganacy's i forgot what its called though, but basically any place where they'll help you deal with the pregnancy. and second, im sorry but this older guy is probably going to go to jail, and it is your fault for doing that with him. you should've known better that older guys usually aren't serious with younger chics. and i feel bad for this guy you like at school, but i dont think its that important to worry so much over him. you need to think about yourself first, and think about what your going to do with the baby. you can give it to adoption, abortion, or keep it. tho i recommend adoption, because abortion your just killing it and its not the baby's fault, keeping it is really hard. the expenses of having a child isn't cheap. and since you still go to school i dont think you'll be the best parent for it, so its better to give it to ppl that will give it everything it needs and be there to take care of it. i mean you just a teenager, and your actually the same age as me. hmm. weird. but anyway, its you decision but you need to tell someone you can trust. and maybe next time you should go on birth control, or just wait. i mean you have your whole life, just wait.

  18. Sorry but you are gonna get a cold truth comment.  You are 15 and have no business sleeping with a 24 year old.  You realize he will end up in jail now right?  Statutory rape laws...  Do not know what you want from us?  But you need to tell someone immediately and do yourself a favor.  If you can not even use birth control stop having s*x.  RESPECT YOUR BODY FOR GOD SAKES!

  19. That 24 year old is going to jail.  And, honestly, he deserves it.

  20. okay wow that guy is gros and you really have no business sleeping with someone that much older than you, you can get him put in jail for a really long time. as far as the pregnancy... congratulations?? maybe... well you need to talk to a school councelor or a good friend or someone. you do not need to be going through this by yourself. consider all of your options and just be careful in the future. how far along are you? well i wish you good luck in everything... but please just be careful and stop giving teen mom's a bad name... i was 17 when i had my first, but he was 2 years older than me.. if you do decide to keep it, please stay in school. the worst thing that you can do for yourself and that kid is to drop out and be all dramatic thinking you life is over. it is not over. i graduated high school and college and now i have a 3 year old. all while working and paying for daycare. it is possible and the dad is not around. so please just be smart about things... good luck

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