
I'm 15. Never had a boyfriend. Advice?

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Yeah, so I'm 15. I've never had a boyfriend and it's never particularly bothered me until my friend brought it up a couple weeks ago. Suddenly I've realised I'm one of the only ones I know who's never been with anyone. It's made me feel pretty lonely. I don't know if I'll ever find anyone!

But then my friend worried me, by saying that if I did meet someone, they might find it weird that I've never been with anyone before! Would that give them an incentive to avoid me? Or use me!?

I need advice. :(

What do you think?




  1. I did not have my first BF until I was 16 and he asked me to marry him!  I did not do it because I was only 17 and I felt I had too much more to experience until I was ready for marriage.  Do not be in a hurry.  If anyone says anything to you just tell them you are picky and just waiting until the right guy comes along.

    It should not have anything to do with your social life.  They will just know that you do not date just for the sake of dating.  You have standards.  There is nothing wrong with that!

    Good Luck!

  2. We guys can be VERY shy, I am and I never had gfs until they approached me, maybe you need to have the iniciative and you have bad luck that all guys around you are pretty shy. A common misconception is that shyness only applies to girls and that a girl must NEVER be the one who make the approaches 1) that is a BIG LIE, the source of the misconception is the old-fashioned tradition that guys must be the ones who approach and make the advances and take iniciative so is not that guys cant be shy is just that that old and now useless traditions gives us no much choice so was a decades ago fortnately we live in the 21 century and now both are allowed 2) We live in the 21 Century that tradition mabye mad girls that did that look like b*****s but is not anymore in fact a girl that takes iniciative is a big turn-on in all guys

  3. So what, your just one of millions of 15yr olds that have never had a boyfriend.

       So you missed out on a lot of c**p is all, thats what high school romances are all about "drama".

        High School romances are about learning ppl skills, your first, but not last, broken heart, or giving someone else one. All in all, they were never meant to last and they don't.

         Nor will anyone find you weird for not having one, except your friends, cause they claim to be cool, when all they are is "followers", they did it to fit in, to make themselves feel wanted, attractive, to show everyone they were the "same" as them.

          Don't let anyone make you feel bad, lonely or out of place. If you never noticed before, then your a leader not a follower, nor do you need others approval of your worth, your looks or anything else,  you needn't feel lonely now just because a friend said so, chances are the friendship won't last all that long either.

         No one is going to care if you had boyfriends before them or not,  i would think a guy would feel complimented that he caught your attention, after finding out you weren't interested in many others.

          And ppl who use others do, whether they had 22 boyfriend or none, if they think they can get away with it, they'll try.  They don't rightfull care who they hurt.

  4. when you are truly ready it will happen. God gives us the right things at the right time so don't sweat it.

  5. At 15, you are not at the point where never having been kissed makes you a weirdo.  If you were talking about s*x, it wouldn't be that weird if you waited until senior year or college.  It always seems like everyone has s*x in high school, later you find out that only half the people at your school did, it was just that the people who think they are cool talk about it so much that you think everybody is doing it.

    As for your friend's comments, she has a point, but it doesn't matter.  Sure, someone may date you just to get your cherry.  Someone else may find out that you don't put out and won't want to waste his time with you.  Why does that matter--focus on avoiding both of those losers.  Some guys will appreciate that you are a virgin, and it really won't matter to most guys.  

    Or to put it another way, if you go have s*x just to get it crossed off your list, how is that any different from the guy who wants to see how many chicks he can bang before leaving school?  In both situations you are just using the other person, and even if all parties get something out of the arrangement, it is not a very romantic way to have your first time.  

    There is a chance you need to meet more people and try harder to get dates so you can get a good relationship started.  But attack this problem from that angle--you need to get in some, more, better, or deeper (depending on the exact situation) relationships, but if you make having s*x your goal, you'll be disappointed.  Deciding to get yourself wasted and laid at a party is not the way to go about this.  You'd be better off letting the old dude from the mall who can't stop staring at you take you home.  Try making a good relationship happen, don't waste your time trying to pad your s*x resume.

  6. I dont thnk u should ever be sad about this.

    Enjoy ur single life rite noww.. like i mean soo many teens out there always have those hook-ups and they always end it. Its so stupid and ridiculous. Im almost 15.. i dont wanna have a boyfriend rite now, cuz i know that it wont last soo long. Which would really suck to be heart broken, rite?

  7. My son is 20 hes never had a g/f dont worry he got frustrated about it lots of times. Then he decided he had time and to do what he wants til the right person comes along. Dont rush into adult hood. You will look back one day and wish you had'nt. Have lots of friends. Its not weird to choose to not have a b/f or g/f at any age til your ready. It will all happen for you in time. Take your time, Trust me,  You Have Time..  

  8. You are not alone!  I know plently of girls in the same situation.  In fact I did not have my first real boyfriend until I was 17.  

    It is a good thing to be selective and not just have a boyfriend for the sake of having a boyfriend...its a waste of your time if you are not truely into him.

    Dont worry about will have one at some point!  Just enjoy your time with your friends and keep your options open and get to know some of the boys at your school...who knows, one may end up becoming your boyfriend.

    Just remember there is no rush...I know how you feel at this moment and it feels like it will never come...but as soon as you meet a guy that you connect with on that level, you will know and trust me it WILL HAPPEN =)

  9. You are 15 and you have never been with anyone.  I wish that more females on this earth could say that and am happy for you.  For your

    "friends" you should let them know that it is okay to not be labeled as damaged goods.  Also pass on to them that if you wait until you are married to be with someone then on your wedding night you will be able to give your husband a gift that no one else has ever had.

  10. Tell your friends this.... "When I find someone worth my time, I'll date him".  

    If a guy REALLY likes you, it will not matter to him if he is the 5th guy you dated or the 1st.

  11. Don't worry about it. I am 14 and I have never had a boyfriend. Just look out for cute guys and possibility flirt with them if you want too. People won't think you are weird, guys might find it mysterious in a way. Just be aware that some guys are good and some are bad and it's not hard to find the difference.  

  12. it's perfectly normal that you've never had a relationship... you're only 15 years old. it's too soon for you to be involved with anyone and get your heart broken, trust me. stay single for as long as you can (and being single doesn't mean you're lonely so don't feel that way) ... and no if you find someone they're not going to use you, avoid you, or treat you any differently than they would treat someone who has been in a relationship. it might make them feel even better about being with you because they'd know that they're your first. so don't go looking for a relationship, you're perfectly normal. enjoy being 15, trust me :)

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