
I'm 15 and have a phone in my bedroom [only to be used for emergencies] am I spoilt?

by Guest45361  |  earlier

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I'm pregnant




  1. This is totally random.

    Most 15 year olds I know have cell phones these days.  

  2. My family owns 3 houses. One overseas. One in the City (Australia) and the one I'm in the country house (Australia).

    My City house has a phone line in my bedroom.

  3. I have a phone in my room so I can answer it without running upstairs.  Thats not spoiled.

  4. wha?

    your pregant

    i assume your joking with that, i assume

    no your not spoiled by what you wrote. almost everyone in the developed nations have phones in a house

  5. First you start off about a phone, then about being spoiling, then about being pregnant, then about you being British.

    Hm, wow, this is random, but I thank you for the two points.


  6. No i have house phone in my room 2 lol ... i mostly use it to call the downstairs phone to get my mum the bring up drinks n stuff for my mates ... now thats spoilt

  7. ummm no your not spoilt. Far from it if you ask me. In m room i have a tv, laptop, getting a computer, radio, ipod speakers, free view, expensive hear stragihteners and mainly only designer clothes

    but i am not spoilt cus i brought most myself

    dont worry

    if you need anymore help jsut tell me

    your pregnant?

    well umm go get an abortion then

    to get one then go tot he family planning clinic or gp and they will tell you what to do


  8. uhm no?

    how is that being spoiled? It's being safee.


  9. My brother wants one too, he is not spoilt.  

  10. wow

  11. im 16 now and got prgnant at 15 and me and the father are doing fine and i dont think your spoiled because i had a cell phone house phone laptop computer and a flat screen tv and i dont think you should get an abortion  

  12. nahh i have one in my room to use  ur not spoiled

    i was prego at 15 too had her when i was 16 don't listen to ppl on here

    u want to have your baby have it its ur choice abortions are mean

  13. how does that make you spoiled??

  14. no

  15. This is random? :S

  16. No I have a phone,cell phone,laptop, and flat screen tv in my room. I am only 14 so no your not spoiled.

  17. Having a phone doesn't make you spoiled.

    Being pregnant at 15 does though. You should pay for your own mistakes on your own.

  18. well, by USA standards, having a house phone in your room is kinda standard.

    using it only for emergencies however, is a bit odd. cause thats like going and using a phone in a different room.

    i'm forced to have a house phone in my room cause my mom wants a phone in the living room, but there isn't a phone line. and my room has a phone line.

    and all the other phone lines are in use already.

  19. most random thing i have ever seen!!

  20. Sounds to me as though you should have used that phone to order up some CONDOMS!

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