I know that something is wrong with me. And it's not hard to see. I am depressed! My depression has gotten so bad that I just don't see a reason to even try anymore. Everyday I get worse and worse. I can't find a reason to want to live or to even try. I told myself that if I was to die today,nothing would change. Everything would be the same. Life is just so meaningless. Especially when you aren't heard. I feel that my life was over the day I was born. I am not at a healthy weight,I have no father,and I feel that I have no family that love me. I hate when I hear other kids saying stuff about when they do stuff with their mother or when they say something about their father. I hate myself. I don't know what to do. I feel lonely,lost,sad,and hopeless. I can't talk to anyone without them saying that I talk stuff or ignore me. I once hated myself so much that I got a butter knife and scratched my arms and my face up. It didn't bleed nor hurt. I just thought that maybe somebody would see what I have done and try to get me some help or help me. But I was so wrong. Nobody cares about me. I am a b*****d. I see people smiling and happy. I just wish that could be me. Just for once I would like to be around people who wouldn't call me names,say things about my weight,and someone who would actually listen and not judge me. I felt that I needed to do something. So I cut all my hair off. And dyed it red,brown,and blonde. I never got a chance to say (I love you dad) (daddy). None of that. I just want to be able to live for once. Just one time. Just one day. I asked my mother if I could go to my friend's house. She hollered at me. And I asked again she ignored me. She said that I don't even know the people. But if I could go places I would know everyone. But I don't really have friends. Just people I know. Sometimes I wished that I had a father instead of a mother. Maybe I wouldn't be so........ Out of place. Maybe I'll know what I want to do with my life. I'm so afraid that my father and his mother (my grandmother) will die before I get the chance to meet them. But I'm stupid,maybe I don't need them.