
I'm 15 and i'm going to be a dad. what should i do?

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I'm 15 and i'm going to be a dad. what should i do?




  1. omg wow! well be there for the baby and the mom

    good luck!

  2. Get a job.

  3. your picture icon says it all... yikes. just do whats in your heart. be a man

  4. Get off the computer and start looking for a job. Babies cost a lot of money. There's food, diapers, clothes, doctor appointments, medicine, bibs, pacifiers, toys etc...You better work your butt off.

  5. This coming from the guy that answered a question saying that he would cheat on his girlfriend.

    Guess you can't do that anymore unless you want your child support rates to go skyhigh!

    Get a job, and get ready.  You have a very big responsibility coming to you in the next 9 months, and this responsibility will be depending on you for the next 18+ years, and will be with you for the rest of your life.

    Don't s***w that baby's life up.

  6. Stay with your kid, don't ever leave the kid and its mother.

  7. heres the thing

    dont love the girl

    dont want to marry her

    then take the baby your self

    your going to need alot of support from family and friends

    get some books about babys and takeing care of them

    you must find someone to take care of the baby dureing school

    droping out of school is the worse thing u can do but if u have to then theres nothing u can do

    personaly i would say get her a abordshin

    but all i hear are about people who have problems with this and stuff

    but that depends on what u want to do

    im 15 too and im worried if this girl is pergrent but i really dought and and hopefuly she isnt

    we do stupid stuff and then cant do anything about it

    i cant say this is going to be easy

    takeing care of a kid sucks for the frist 4 or 5 years until there older.

    the only thing u can really do is plan, get things ready, talk to the girl and see whats going to happen and what can she do to help and everything.

  8. take the role of a parent and don't leave.

    be there for the girl you got pregnant and be there for your baby.

    its hard for you, but think about the girl and the baby before you think about yourself.

  9. uhhhh talk to you parents talk to frined talkt o a counselor just tlak to people.. tell them how you feel.

    brace yourself get ready n uh get a job save money talk to your dad  

  10. Get a job and get some items for the baby.

    Be in the babies life.  

  11. Be a man and stick by your girlfriend. She really needs someone to help her through it. Trust me, I was pregnant at 16 and our son was born when I was 17 and my boyfriend was 16. Save up as much money as you can because she won't be able to work for at least 6 weeks (that's the recovery period).

    You also have to talk to your parents if you haven't already. They will be mad at first but they will get over it soon enough and help you through it.

    Also, please finish school. If either of yourselves find that you can't go back, at least get your GED (thats the same equivalent as a high school diploma). Don't do it for yourself, do it for your child.

    Good luck with everything and I hope it all goes well for you!

  12. It's funny that in one of the questions you answered you said you were actually 19 and now you claim to be 15...

    Just an observation.


  13. then just b a man and take care of the baby i mean its ur fault ur in this situation !! dumbass



  14. wooooow thats tough

    bein a parent at 15

    well u have to be 100% comitted to it

    that means that u gotta stay in school(if u drop out it will be harder to get a job in the future)

    as soon as u get home from school u gotta put all ur time into lookin after ur baby (or get a job)

    u cant give up on it even wen it gets hard

    a baby is not a toy u actually hav to raise it and that is goin to be prolly one of the hardest things in the world to do

    my brother became a father wen he was 17 so i know wat it takes to see someone raise a baby not even outa highschool

    but seriously tho good luck with it( it may be hard but the baby will grow on u and u will love every second of bein a father) : )  <3

  15. Did somebody say abortion? If not, I just did. If you don't have the money, a rusty clotheshangar always works.

  16. Act like you never meant the mom and say it isn't your kid

  17. sorry, to hear that,  I guess the girl and you  want this together. are your parents involved.  if not get them this is  a lot for young teens to handle.  that's why young  teens really need to think and not have s*x.

    Your not ready to handle the consequences.

  18. get a job, start buying diapers and baby clothes,wipes and buying baby furniture. chick-fil-a hires at 14 so does publics

  19. Ask your and her parents for help. Stay in school but get a part time job. Ask for every help you can possibly qualify for from the state you are living in.  

  20. Guess you should step up to the plate and assume responsibility and help raise the child and give as much money as you can to help feed and cloth your baby.

  21. be a dad

  22. Grow up fast.

  23. Raise the kid...

  24. Get sterilized. Get a job. Be ashamed of yourself. Beg your parents for help with *your * baby even though they did not want another, sign up for tax payer funded assistance.

  25. Congrats!

    First off, talk to the mother.  Have you guys explored all options?  Adoption?  Abortion?

    Second, be supportive to the mother.  She's going to need it.

    Third, take all steps for what you decide.  If you keep it you're going to need a job.  It might be wise for the mom to get one too, while she can still work.

    Good luck!  

  26. Dude, be a man about it. Be there for the mother help her out. Just please don't walk out on her. that kid needs you. but it also needs someone a bit more mature. I just pray and hope you do the right thing that you know deep in your gut you should do. However hard it is. Good luck

  27. get a job to support your family

  28. Just get a DNA test.

  29. Tell your parents.

  30. Get a workers permit so you can get a job. Help pay for your child's clothes, diapers, toys and everything else you need for a baby

  31. Get your life together NOW!!!!

    take care of your new family what ever you do your baby comes 1st  

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