
I'm 15 and i have sever migraines. What will they do to fix them?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 years old and about two weeks after i started birth control i began to have these "attacks" and i've had about 6 i the last month. My lips go numb, i hyperventilate, my vision is blurred and after I'm very sensitive to light and i become sick to my stomach and feel very weak . Finally two days ago my parents brought me to my doctors. My doctor said i have a sever case of migraines, she is making me to get an EEG and a MRI of my brain.

If they find somehting wrong in the MRI what will happen? Will i have to get surgery?




  1. If they find something, you might have surgery but it depends on where it is in the head. If the location can cause more harm than help than they might just take you off birth control

  2. Oh Hayl X- I am so sorry.  Migraines are a *****.  But huney, did you ever consider that it is the type of birth control you're using that is causing them?  Or that maybe they're not migraines at all but panic attacks? Your symptoms describe a severe panic attack I had a few years ago: numbness in my lips, hyperventilation, lost color from my face, "fuzziness", and weakness, when it was all over I just crawled into bed.  Do you have anxiety?  Secrets that nag at you?  Have you recently suffered some sort of trauma?   It's hard to tell from your description of symptoms but in my experience, the first words out of a migraine sufferers mouth would be "horrible, awful, "I want to scream" pain.  Just to let you know, I'm not just talking off the top of my head with no knowledge.  Despite being only 35, I suffer chronic pain and will for the rest of my life - but Haly X - the dozens of doctors and countless tests I had to go thru to get answers was crazy!  I realize you are still under parental control but maybe talk to them about going to get a 2nd opinion - or go with a good friend.  Tell them (the new doctor) everything you just told the blog (or more if there's more private stuff).  IT SEEMS SIGNIFICANT THAT YOU STARTED A NEW BIRTH CONTROL AND WITHIN 2 WEEKS YOU'RE FEELING THIS WAY. If it was a migraine you would be in excrutiating pain.  Any family history of migraines?  Anxiety can manifest in many ways but if it really is migraines, research on the internet about them and see if your symptoms fit.  My friends mom would have to lock herself in her room, total darkness, absolutely no sound, plus whatever medication she took until she cried herself to sleep or it went away.  Migraine headaches are not "just a headache".  They are also one of the most common nervous system diseases of the developed world.  International figures show that over 500,000,000 (500 million) people are affected by migraines each year.  You are not alone (if that's what you have)!  Unfortunately, the severity and debilitating nature of migraine headaches put them in a class all of their own.  Migraines themselves are referred to as vascular headaches meaning that the pain is caused by a change in shape and size of the blood vessels around and inside your skull.  The one bit of good news about a migraine headache is that it's referred to as a primary headache. This simply means that there is no other underlying cause such as a tumor in the brain for example. The severity of some migraines can make people fear the worst in this regard but there's no reason to be worried, according to the internet research I did.  It's very good your doctor is being thorough, just to make sure.  The other good news is that migraines can reduce in frequency and intensity over time.  I sincerely wish you the best-  Oh, one more thing, I read a case of a teenage girl suffering migraines and the cause, in her case, was repressed anger, even though preliminary findings suggested a brain tumour!  Doctors are human and make mistakes. So hang in there and try not to worry!  Maybe go to more than 1 doctor for all testing and results.  I have been misdiagnosed a couple of times.  Check out the web for info.  Think positively.  It helps.  I know that my pain can really get me down.  Get a support system in place!!  Find a medicine that works for you, and if your doctor won't give you a strong enough medicine, find a new doctor while keeping your old.  Best of luck and don't worry!  

    P.S  Under the Sources used, the 1st has tonnes of information and the 2nd SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBES HOW MIGRAINES CAN ONSET AFTER TAKING BIRTH CONTROL PILLS - hmmmm,interesting eh?

    I'm sure you're going to be just fine Haly X!!  :)


    Blog back if you want to talk some more. I hope I helped.

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