
I'm 15 and i smoke

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it makes me feel so good

ino so many people think its bad

but is it really that bad i only have 1 on average like 2 to 4 a week im not addicted does any1 else do it??




  1. im a teen to and let me say ARE YOU DUMB! smoking does not make you feel better it makes you worst. You do know when your 20years old you will look like your 30 years old! man then you will have problems!

  2. if you're not addicted, stop.

    i started smoking just like you when i was 15 thinking i would stop later on in life but i didn't. I got my dumb *** addicted and now I can't go a day without one, I'm 17.

    Smoking does terrible things to your body, really, just stop.

  3. I'm 19.  I smoke.  I used to think people who smoke are terrible.  But I ended smoking myself.  1 to 4 a week isn't that bad.  I smoke 1 - 4 a week too.  Sometimes not even that.  

    I started smoking because I can't take the stress I was in at that period of time.  

    AND I don't think I am addicted to smoking.  

    AND!!! You should stop smoking.  It's bad, you can't see the effects now, but you'll see it in the long run.  I am cutting down on it too!


  4. Your an Idiot if you think smoking is good. I'm fourteen and when I had a tok [Never again!] I thought I was about to cough my lungs up. The taste and the smell is just revolting. It's making my stomach turn just the thought of it. I'd quit while your ahead.

  5. I'm not going to preach to the dangers of smoking... I'm assuming you aren't stuipd and already know.

    So with that being said....You are addicted.... The fact that says "It makes me feel so good" is proof.

    You started the same way EVERYONE else started... a few here and there as a teenager.... and then as an adult you pick it up.

    I started smoking when I was 14, 2-4 a week just like you.  When I turned 18 and all I had to do was walk into a gas station and buy a pack it jumped up to about a pack a day.  By the time I was 24 I was smoking 2 packs a day.

    Quit now, before it gets harder.

  6. Be aware of the after effects of smoking. Just educate yourself.

    There's no Right and Wrong about smoking. Only the truth of its effect on the body especially at your young age.

    It's OK to try but anything too much is dangerous. How well do you know your body? and able to tell yourself when to stop when the urge is already part of your mental system.

    Smoking starts in the intention of fitting in as an adult-(insecurity of youngsters to be cool). ending up uncontrollable as a behavior.

  7. first of all you are 15 ONLY.

    what means that you are still young.

    and you don't realize what you are doing.

    let me tell you something.

    the 2-4 cigarette you are underestimate kills your lungs gradually.

    and i have used the turm gradually ,because as you grow older and face more problems and issues in your life you are going to turn to your sweet cigarettete which is going to be your remedy because it is the thing that makes you feel happy and forget about your pain.

    it is really harmful. just google it and see how many ppl  die because of lungs cancer. smoking is one of the largest causes for lungs cancer.

    take it from me, befor you get addicted it is way easier for you to get rid of.

    don't dont wait to long.

    because the longer you wait, the harder it will get.

    i know that you are young and that you wanna live your life.

    but i am telling my own experience which will help you avoiding problems ( in the long run)

  8. you are either stupid or nuts quit please  

  9. i dont do it.

    but its really bad for you. and im not an adult telling you what to do... im your age. you could get addicted even if you arent now. stop while you can

  10. i'm 17 and i'm one of those ppl who think it's bad. i think it's really cool 2 c smoke coming out from ur mouth. i tried it once, just one puff....i tasted it and it was awful. i hated it so much that i went home and brushed my teeth, but i could still taste it after. i never tried it again after that. i don't think it's that bad since u only have 1 once in a while...i think u'll be okay, but just watch urself though. u might not notice that ur getting addicted 2 it.

  11. you amy not be addicted now but you will be soon! stop now while you can!

  12. i'm 15 and i smoke aswell my birthday is tomarrow so i'll be 16 but yeah i do it i don't see why people make a big deal out of it though =/.

  13. So, just stop before you do get addicted.  

    Cigarettes are the arguably the most addictive drug on the planet.  

    Stop now before it's too late.

  14. OK stop now while it is easy, smoking is very addictive if cancer does not scare you

    it will give u wrinkles

    make your teeth and nails yellow

    your breath and clothes will stink

    This comes from a smoker who thought they were not addicted and now can not stop
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