
I'm 15 and need help with my life, please help.

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im 15, live in atlanta georgia, and i am currently a martial arts instructor. i want to join the army as a solider (dont know the exact title, but like the soliders in the field with the machine guns). and after i want to be in the NYPD, atl police, myrtle beach poilce, or flordia police. i know that that requires a degree in criminal justice. and i also am planning on marring my girl friend. (please no advice on why i shouldnt). im going to be a jounior this year (a year early) and my senior year i am only going to school part time. so i will graduate in 2010. my question is what can i do to start my life. should i go to college first? or join the army? get engaged? married before the army? who shouldi talk to about this? besides parents? list and sources would be greatly appreciated. thank you soo much.




  1. I'm 15 as well and am considering the Army. What you should do is either A.) Go to college first. or B.) Do college while you're in the Army. But you should really consider the idea first. Once you're in, you're in. With your girlfriend. Just give it time and think of your options. You could talk to a recruiter, maybe a teacher you're close with, or your boss (if you trust him enough). You could talk to your friends (the mature ones). Good luck!

  2. 11B is the infantry MOS that your talking about but there are other MOS's that do something similar. But if your overall goal is a police officer than be a 31B which is an MP Military Police. Actually getting out of the army and going to apply to be a police officer the degree is not needed. The honorable discharge is enough its actually used in place if you don't have a degree. Now if you have a degree than you get paid extra. So just join as an MP man it would help some but just because you have been an MP doesn't mean you will pass at the academy. I heard from people that know people that retired as an MP and failed the academy. Just a different world out there when you switch you know? But it would help more being an MP and going to apply versus being a cook and going to apply for police. You still have that background exp, the basics are basics. For marriage just don't rush it I did and it was a mistake, let it come. BUT if you must marrying before you head off to basic and AIT is better let me tell you why. ONLY for money reasons because while your in basic and AIT you will get the BAH. Which is Basic Housing Allowance which pays for rent. Now your wife can live with parents or someone and just pocket that bah and not actually have a place. THAT is if they don't ask for a lease if they do than whatever she got a place and chillin. Than when its time for you to move to your first duty station you go home on leave after AIT and drive to the duty station. You will get paid more money than what it cost to actually drive there. But like I said its all about the money and paying for stuff so thats the only major reason i got for you. Talk to the recruiter about it they should have a bunch of things to give or tell to you.

  3. WOW, here's the quick and dirty answer.  You want to be a cop?  Join the Army.  You can join at 17 with parental consent.  Do just 2 years--it's the minumum you can do for the Army.  Have all your Army training evaluated by whatever college you want to go to--at the Army's expense by the way.  In other words, all your training is worth college credit.  Then use the 5-10 points veteran preference or 10 extra points you get for being a vet for the police exam to jump start your career in law enforcement.

    You asked a loaded question that I can't answer in one reply.  This is one way and not the only way.  Take is with a grain of salt.  Good Luck.

    JROTC (high school)is very important too.  It gets you ready for the military and earns you a higher pay grade before enlisting.

  4. Jion Naval Sea Cadet Corps.  You'll learn a lot and go into the Navy when U R old enuff in advanced rate.  Web site =  U can get MAA trng which will give U a taste of police work.   MAA's are the military police of the Navy.

  5. well Sir I want to commend you for your dreams.... slow down a bit FIRST, finish school get at least a couple of years in college that will be helpful when you become a police officer after you spend some time in college then if your still want to serve your Country in the Armed forces you can began with a high rank since you will have some collage it really pays to get  a good education just think you could join the Service being the boss if you dont believe me ck it out I was a Army Brat know what I am talking about. I salute you!

  6. First off, don't be jumping the gun on marriage.  That will come in time.  As far as the rest of your goals go, college will definitely be a must (and maybe some extra help in grammar).  You could either join active duty and get a college scholarship for when you get out, or join the reserves and go to school full time.  Or, if you can afford to, go to college first and take ROTC to become an officer.  Getting in as an MP (Military Police) would probably be a good thing if you plan on persuing a career in law enforcement afterwards.

  7. listen, im a guy using my wifes account but, i believe that you should join the army, use all of its benefits and become a man, you learn a lot in the military, while in the military go to school if you would like, but the military is the perfect career for a young man  starting a family because of the medical benefits, steady pay, always have a home, the by the time you get out, even if you chose not to go to school you have a military background which is always looked good on and the would be perfect if you want to be a police officer. get married after bootcamp in the army or maybe after your first tour in iraq because your still young and the chances of someone cheating on the other is very high, just make sure that you both are on the same page when you get married. get engagedwhen your 18 to give eachother breathing room. good luck.

  8. Look into the army's ROTC program, if you have good grades.  It will pay for you to go through college and then you are an officer in the army so you will start out with decent pay, and then you will be able to be police officer straight out of the military and have your whole life ahead of you.  Get married whenever you feel ready, you will know.

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