
I'm 15 and never been kissed.?

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I don't even want to until it's someone i really like but is it hard?

My fear is being bad at it!

What if hes experienced? He may have expectations!




  1. I'm 15 as well, and have never been kissed.

    I'm not freaking out because it'll happen when it happens. Plus, when the moment comes, neither one of you will be thinking about any of that!

  2. its fine. although im 13 and had maked out, already. its ok.

    just kidding. ive never kissed any1, eitherrrr

  3. It's not hard as long as you're comfortable.  You can't really be bad at kissing as long as you're not drooling.  Don't worry about him being experienced.  Your first kiss should be simple and sweet.  If it goes into something more, just kind of follow his lead.  Learn from him.  Relax and enjoy it. :]

  4. well not everyone is great when it's their first time, but you're young, and age 15 is pretty normal to not have had your first kiss. i didn't have mine until i was 18! don't sweat it. if you're too anxious about it, you will be worse/more awkward than if you just let it happen naturally and relax about it.

  5. Just relax.

    Kissing comes naturally, just like when you are thrown in water, you know what to do. When you lean in for a kiss, you also will know what to do.

  6. Hm well lol i think its fine if your a kiss virgin lol i have a girlfriend that hasnt kissed Cuz we are takin it really really slow lol we been dating for 5 months

  7. When the time is right you will know it and when you are with the right person they will not care how good or bad you kiss..Don' t rush your life YOU ARE ONLY 15!!!Stay in school educate yourself and your life will be a me

  8. i was like that when i had my first kiss but its not really hard and if you know how to do it, it would go just fine what i would say is dont worry about it it will be totaly fine when the times comes :)

    hope this helped

  9. it's ok to never have been kissed at 15. Actually its kind of good. Don't rush into will know when the moment is right!  

  10. Don't worry, I didn't have my first kiss until 14, and it went just fine. I worried about it too, but when the time comes, it goes just fine. I met this guy at my friend's birthday party and after everyone else left we made out on the trampoline. When you actually do it, you don't even think about that.

    Anyway, a lot of people don't get kissed until they're 18 or 19, or even date until collage. Most of my friends are like that since we're all religious....

  11. I hate to break it to ya, but most guys your age, and older are usually experienced in a lot more than just kissing.

    but don't worry about it, let it come naturally and don't act like you've never been kissed before. Its kind of hard to be a "bad" kisser. Just dont try and put your tongue all the way down his throat haha. I've had a couple guys tell me a girl has done that to them and it freaked them out

  12. That is ok with most guys, you just need to tell them you would like for them to teach you. How much fun that is for us, when I think of it, it makes me smile.

  13. Try your best not to make getting your first kiss a bigger deal than it actually is.  If its with someone actually worth being kissed, than he won't mind if you're inexperienced.

    Good luck!

  14. Well if its a jerk kinda guy if you tell him he will be like wow and walk away. If its a nice guy he will think its cute and just teach you how to do it. The fact that you wanna wait until its someone you like is enough and that will make you a fantastic kisser. Good lux!!!!!!!

  15. Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal. Your just waiting for the right pesron && when that pesron comes along you will just be into the moment && everything will work out just how you wanted it too.

  16. dw bout bein kissed. guys like girls who are innocent lol. no seriously i am in your situation. when it's right, you'll feel it. i was so close but someone kinda interrupted (best mate). tilt your head, close your eyes and let him guide you, good luck. anyway you should look for the right guy first. otherwise whats the point?

  17. Thats completely alright.

    Don't worry. Just go with the flow and everything will turn out fine. Dont try to jump into anything that you're not sure of (as in frechkissing)...after all there's no shortage of frenchkissing horror stories...

  18. okay well first things first;

    you dont need to wory until you find the guy that you want to kiss

    and plus maybe be a bit older (its up to you) but you shouldnt fear if your bad at it, if you think u wont be able to do anything just follow his lead, kinda like dancing, but move ur lips with his. and if he has more experience and expectations you might want to tell him this is your first time kissing someone so he knows that ur not "bad" just new to it

  19. well thats a good thing he wont think of you as if you kissed everyguy in the school .!

    That gives good impressions to guys

    But let him know after you have kissed him !  

  20. im 12 and i was playing spin the bottle at camp and i had to kiss this boy on the cheek and i was even scared of messing up at that so i turned it down so your not alone.

  21. lol find the right guy and he'll make the first move usually. (:

    hahah practice on the shower wall. lmao just kidding.

  22. Slightly part your lips and follow his lead.

    The first time I went to kiss a girl I pursed my lips and went for it. She stuck her tongue in my mouth and taught me the ropes in no time;^)

  23. My first kiss was with a friend, I was extremely nervous too and had been worrying about it for a long time. This guy had a LOT of experience, too! I was nervous I would do it wrong.

    But in the end, it all turned out just fine and I liked the kiss a lot. The first one was just a little bit of a kiss with the lips. Afterwards, I got curious and decided to pick a guy who wanted to have fun, a friend, and we became errr.. "friends with benefits" meaning when we hung out, we literally did nothing but make out for hours. It was a lot of fun, believe it or not.. lol But I made it clear we would never go beyond kissing, it was just experimentation - and he was cool with that! Anyways, that's when I got a lot of time to get comfortable with kissing.

    I do suggest you wait until there is someone you really like. If you really like them, and they really like you, you will probably find that you are both a bit nervous and excited to kiss eachother. It may be awkward at first, but in the end you will find that it's pretty natural and isn't as hard as you're expecting.

    Some tips - watch out for your teeth. It will happen, while making out you might bang teeth with the other person - it's a bit jolting but if you care about eachother you can laugh it off and continue. Watch out for the saliva. I once kissed this guy who did not know this, and he drooled all over my face - it was pretty gross, but I liked him a lot and tried to explain it to him gently that we had to keep the spit under control. lol You can do this by swallowing your spit here and there so it's not so wet. It may sound weird, but it's not really. And finally, there is the issue of the tongue kiss. You probably want to start out with just lip kisses. But eventually, open up your mouths a bit and your tongues can uhh.. play tonsel hockey! lol Not really, you probably don't want to reach that far in. Just use your tongue to feel their tongue, swirl around it a bit, let their tongue swirl around yours, caress their mouth, that sort of thing. Just remember to control the saliva or it gets very messy.

    Hope that helps. Remember, it's pretty natural and will come to you when it's time. Just relax and remember you're learning! Good luck.

  24. It is like dancing, just follow his lead.

    Okay it is easier than dancing.  I suck at dancing, but I'm a good kisser even when I'm sucking!

  25. Okay first off please relax,

    Secondly its nothing to worry about once it does happen you'll see all you have to do is go along with the flow

  26. hopefully the guy has never been kissed so he dosent know if its good or bad lol. if if he has dont worry ill get the hang of it.

  27. go to

    theyve got lots of advices there

    one includes first kisses

    the most important think is to relax, everything comes naturally,

    believe me i was very worried too!

  28. come on im 12 turning 13 and i have all ready kissed three guys and more than once plus i have made out with 1 of them.

  29. I just got my first kiss this January, and I'm turning fifteen next month. I didn't realize it at first, but he was such a player, meaning he had definitely kissed plenty of girls before. I had absolutely NO idea how to kiss, but apparently it wasn't that bad, because he wanted to kiss me again. It wasn't make-out, just a peck. It's really not all that hard, and requires pretty much no skill.

    My second kiss was actually helpful. I kissed him several times, so it must not have been horrible. He did tell me though, "When you kiss, you always seem to make your lips really thin." It was embarrassing to hear that at first, but I realized that helped me, because now I can try to get a little better at my kiss.

    Everybody who's having their first kiss have never kissed anybody before. If he's experienced, that's good. Maybe he can give you some tips. Even if you somehow find a way to embarrass yourself, so what? Practice makes perfect. And plus, the people you get your first kiss with usually aren't the people you'll spend the rest of your life with.

  30. everyone is bad at it at first, and I mean everyone.  Don't worry, it'll happen eventually.  My first kiss wasn't till I was 16, and I was bad at first.  I'm 25 now, and my wife has no complaints!

  31. Hon, I'm fifteen and I've kissed one boy. But, I don't really care. I mean, I like guys, I've had boyfriends, but kissing, to me, is important. I don't want it to be worthless.  

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