
I'm 15 and pregnant going to be a single mom and do you think that miranda mae is a good name for a girl ?

by Guest56630  |  earlier

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my last name is green and so is the baby's please help i also need parenting tips or if you have other names




  1. I think that is a beautiful and classy name for a little girl.

  2. That's a pretty name.

  3. I want to know why people think that they have the right to judge you based on your question. I'm sure you've already been thinking about how you will support this baby, but that's not your question right now. No one can worry 24 hours/day. Babies bring a lot of joy, and choosing a name is part of that. You have just as much right to that as anyone else who is having a baby.

    I love the name. You could call her Mimi (or Meme). :)

  4. The first answer is horrible. I am sure that this was not the great plan you had for your life. Things happen. No father is a whole lot better than a bad father. You can do this, single or not. I personally don't love the name, but it is pretty together. I like the name Sydney for a girl. The biggest tip I have for you : She will grow up so fast, so don't rush through these first few years. Remember that just because you are young doesn't mean that you don't deserve to have a good life with your baby. Take walks, cuddle her, Don't let her see or feel your stress. Tell her you love her a million times a day. You may not be able to give her the material things, but you can give her love. And don't be afraid to get help with food, insurance, daycare etc. It's there for you to use until you are old enough and able to provide for you and your baby.

    Good luck!

  5. names should be the LAST thing on your mind right now.  and thats a cute name Miranda Dani is a cute mix.

  6. best of luck to you i like the name and you have to remember that a child does not ask to be brought into this world so treasure every moment and also be patient loving and caring if you feel like your gonna go nuts take a breather go outside or the next room and clear your head a crying baby can be difficult let alone when your the only one there to raise him or her  

  7. you have WAAAAAy more important stuff to be thinking about now!!!!!!!! For instance:

    -how can i finish high school/earn GED?

    -how will i be able to support myself/this child?

    -who will care for the baby?

    -your own health and baby's health

    -preparing for birth

    -and the list goes on!  

  8. i love that name

  9. Definitely.

    I'm only 14, but when I have a baby one day I want to call her Miranda.

    I would call her Miranda Kate/Cate/Caite.

    Undecided on the spelling.

    Mae is a pretty name that also sounds great with Miranda!

  10. i think a lovely name will not make up for lack of a father

  11. love the miranda...not os much the mae...reminds me of the south and plus ---miranda mae green----  sounds like miranda 'migrane'  don't you hear that.....i agree with the dani suggestion but it doesn't flow very well...stick with miranda and the one syllable middle name, but don't do mae

  12. was that necessary do put ur age? now ppl think less of you.

    another teen mom.


  13. Miranda Taylor Green

    I am from the south and even I think Mae for a middle name is bit hick sounding sorry. I hope you have family and friends to help you honey don't be afraid to ask. Being a mom is tough but also very rewarding. Good luck to you!

  14. I think you should name her one of the following

    Shailyn Mae

    Kylie Mae

    Alexis Rae

    Maddie Rae

    Jadalyn Mae

    Devin Mae

    Desi-Mae Alexis

    Vani-Lynn Mae

    Ellie Jae

    Brayden Rae

    Brenley Mae

    Brylie Mae

    Austyn-Alexis Mae

    Karsyn Mae

    Kyndall Rae

  15. Hey, I was raised by a single mom and she did a great job, so don't worry about the baby lacking a father. Just make sure that she has male role models. Just love your baby no matter what. Always put her first, but make time for yourself as well. If you don't do that you'll probably go crazy. Make sure she knows that you'll always be there for her, and speak her language. Trust your instincts. OK, now to the name...

    I'm not a fan of the name Miranda, sorry. However, I like the names...









    Feliz (This name and the two above names all mean happy or joyful.)









    GOOD LUCK!!!!

  16. miranda mae is nice, but I would spell it May.  

    Good luck with everything, hold your head high and do the best you can.  Don't be too proud to ask for help.  Keep a good relationship with your parents, they are the ones who will be there to help you, they may have been angry at 1st, but they will calm down when they meet their grandchild.  Stay in school no matter what it takes.  And fight the b*****d who got you pregnant for child support, don't let him off the hook:  YOU OWE IT TO YOUR CHILD!!

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