
I'm 15 and tutoring and need ideas 4 activities for 7-year olds..=D?

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Okay, so i'm starting a tutoring job and will be tutoring 7-year olds..the teacher needs help with ideas for how to teach the students in fun ways.

I need as many ideas as possible by monday so I can tell her them..i'm trying to help her out a lot because at the end of my job, the teacher is going to write an evaluation about me that i could use when applying for future jobs, and i want it to be good =D

So basically, I'm asking for any ideas you guys might have for fun ways of learning..try to think of fun ways the kids could learn things like counting to 100, seasons, reading..etc.(i dont remember what else they'll be learning)

oh and dont forget its summer school and they are ESL students..they know english but dont have a wide range of vocabulary and i've never met them.

thnx for all ur help if u answer..i'll vote best answer if u give a god one =]




  1. nothing can beat ye olde SMARTY MATHS (lolly maths)

  2. kids love hands on stuff, and this age are great in the kitchen, making cakes, pizzas, sandwiches cut into shapes.  What are learning?, hygiene, food preperation, shapes, weights, safety, responsiblity, ownership the list goes on and on.   Good luck!

  3. Hi deanna i know where you live(:

    do you know who i am?

    1.well you can do whiteboards

    2.give them candy if they get 100 on a quiz


    ^ wear that kids will loveee it!!

    4. have a beach ball write words on it and throw the ball around and when they catch it they have to read a word



  4. learn math (count to 100, by two's , by fives's by ten's etc.. ) through music and movement.  My students love learning through this math/music/movement cd.  We count 1-10 doing arm circles, 11-20, job in place etc... they love it.  Gets the body moving and mind flowing.

  5. okay, i'm not going to bash you because i made the same mistake a long time ago and have never done it since.

    if you want to post a link to your question, first answer the question, then add the link. that way you'll be more likely to get answers, rather than statements like the one above ^^

  6. click here ^_^;...

  7. If you google "ESL activities" or "ELL activities" you should be able to find lots of stuff online. I get stuff daily for my own classes from and other sites. You can also think about what you would find fun (it'll all depend on what it is you're trying to teach for that day). Mostly hands-on conversation generating stuff will be good for these kids to build their vocabulary. Activity centers are also good to rotate kids so they don't get bored with one thing all day, but have an overall theme they're working with all day.

  8. Visual aids are great for ELL's.  One of my student's favorite things that I did involved an Eric Carle book, The Hungry Caterpillar.  I cut the foods the caterpillar ate --out of felt, with slits in them making an x, and made a caterpillar sock for my arm.  As I read through the story, the students would "feed" the caterpillar on my arm by sliding the cut felt pieces on.  At the end, I made the sock go around the food, and that was the cocoon.  Then when he became a butterfly, I took the sock off and had a felt butterfly in my hand.  The kids love it and it teaches food vocabulary and the life cycle of a butterfly.  Feel free to use the idea!  Good luck.  Teaching English learners has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done.

  9. Okay, so what you can do for one activity is get a whole bunch of paper letters then go on a walk with them and stop by a random inanimate objects and then you can tell the esl students what it is then take a picture (try and get a polaroid camera because kids love those) and keep quizing them as time goes by (do this for more than one thing) and for the more advanced kids you can have them try to spell it using the paper letters. Just an idea! Good Luck!

  10. teach them math by using candy

    teach them language with blocks of letters

    teach them social studies with little figures of the americans and such

    teach them art by letting them do what they would like instead of making a project

    Hope this helped! BTW i am older than 7 its just some of my cousins r that age and gave me some ideas

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