
I'm 15 going on 16 and im 5'8" am i done growing

by Guest60214  |  earlier

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My mom is 5'2".My Dad is 6'2.My grandpa is 6'4".my grandma is 5'4"

I recently just hit a small growth sprout but im not done growing am i if not how tall will i be?




  1. Grand ma and gramp dont matter. Tall parents= tall children.

    Yes you will keep growind prob me 6'

  2. You will generally stop growing in height at around 19.  Then you fill out sideways.  And generally look toward the mothers side of the family(your mom's dad)

  3. What wrong with being 5'8"?  thats how tall i am.  i like my height.  

  4. Who knows... when I was your age I was 6"1... I am now 23 and still 6'1.

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