
I'm 15 && i want to live with my mom?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my dad fight constantly. Sometimes he gets really mad and throws stuff at me and always says i do nothing in my house. All they want me here for is to clean and watch their 5 other kids. I'm tired of being a babysitter. Me & my mom are close and i want to live with her. She doesn't have money for an attorney so? what do i do?




  1. Talk to someone who u trust and u think can help


    - a teacher or school conselor

    - neihbor

    - relative

    if none of that works or u dont have anyone like that works next time ur dad throws somthing call the police and they will take you to ur mom- im not joking even if he isnt hurting u it might not be long untill he starts!

    good luck!

  2. Talk to your dad about this and if you cant go live with your mom. This is unacceptable that your dad is treating you like this.

    GoOd LuCk!

  3. Okay. Step one: is your mom in the position to take custody of you? Financially, does she have a stable job, a clean record, no criminal/drug use, does she have a place for you to live, and would moving in with her be in your overall best interest? These are the things a judge is going to look at if/when your mother files for a hearing with a judge so she has custody of you.

    She does have to go to a court and file for custody. That itself can take a few weeks to go through because the paper work has to be processed, then your mother and you will be issued a day to appear in court. Your dad would likely be subpoenaed (required to appear at the hearing).

    Your mother wouldn't necessarily have to hire an attorney, even if she did there are some that would help her pro-bono (for free or little charge). She wouldn't likely need an attorney unless she does have a shaky record. Assuming she has a good record, she would have to present her case to a judge as to why she would be the better parent and provide you with a better life.

    Your dad would also have to pay your mom child support, and something tells me he wouldn't want to do that. So that would also be part of the hearing with a judge.

  4. You can take your father in front of a judge and say you don't want to live with him. At 15 you can legally decide who you want to live with.

  5. I don't know how it works now, and it depends on where you live... (I'm in Canada)

    but I had issues with my mom at 13, and there was this big fight and I ran down the road to a neighbour's house, called my dad, and he came picked me up.

    Now my mother was supposed to have full custody of me, and my dad had regular every other weekend visits, but after that custody just fell on my dad. I think it had to do with me being 13. I don't know how it would work for you, and I wish you my best, but I would check it out with counselors at school, as they'd have the best means to find out for you if you can just leave without his permission.

  6. you and your mother get down to the courthouse. find which office handles such matters. you are old enough to decide which parent you want to be with. there are lawyers that work with you on costs, like payments, there are others that will do things like this very cheap, and even some that are free. you have to do the work to find them, but once you do and get this ball rolling, you will succeed in your quest to be with your mom.

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