
I'm 15 & stole from k-mart, whats going to happen?

by  |  earlier

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I went to k-mart tonight & got caught stealing hair dye, they know about two other times I took hair dye & said I should be recieving a letter stating whats going to happen. This is my second offense if I have to go to court, I first got in trouble for taking my parents car back when I was twelve. I learned & i'm not going to steal again... I also live in florida. Could someone please help me?




  1. --- Help you how? What is your question?

    --- You apparently didn't learn very well from your several past experiences and I don't see any reason why you would stop now. Why do you need hair dye? And why couldn't you just pay for it? I suspect what you need is some very intense counseling and intervention.

    --- In any case you reap what you sow son. And now you are about to reap the whirlwind. Goodluck

  2. You are or you should receive some kind of behavioral training. You will or should get more than a smack on the hand and tell to to be a good kid. This behavior is unacceptable. There are consequences for this. A lesson should be taught here.

  3. why would u steal hair dye at age 15?-- im the same age and havent dyed my hair yeT!


    If your under the age of 18 they would just ask you to pay a small fine. which you are so no big deal.

  5. Chances are since this is a second offense, you will be required to go to the juvenile court system for possible probation, or incarceration in a juvenile facility.

    Without punishment for the crime, you have learned nothing but to be scared of being caught.

    K-Mart can also request a restraining order against you shopping in their store. It's not unheard of although it is unlikely.

    Because the store knows  you have stolen from them before and chose not to press charges at that time, they will be unwilling to overlook it this time and unless the statute of limitations has run out on the previous thefts, they can now prosecute you for ALL of the events in question.

    Talk to your parents and contact a lawyer immediately to have your rights represented but expect some form of punishment and restitution to be handed down by a judge.

  6. TICKET???

  7. I was a LOSS PREVENTION officer for K mart 4 months ago back.

    If they stoped you and if you where under the age of 18 than you where released to your parents.

    If you are over 18 and if the product was under 20 bucks than im sure they didnt call the cops.

    And the letter that you are going to receive is a letter from K marts Lawyer Group. The letter is going to have a case number and they will ask you to pay $250. Call them and see if you can make monthly payments. If they do not get the payments in one month or hear from you in that time the $250 will increase to $600. After a certain amount of time of not paying they will take you to court.

    pretty much its a letter saying they want money for damages.

    Deputy Explorer Gomez

    Sacramento County Sheriff

  8. kiddy  jail, also need a good butt whooping..

    your hurting only yourself, and shaming your family..get a part time job and be a man in training..Sorry so harsh..but hate to see young kids throw their lives away for something stupid.

  9. Sounds like you're on the fast track to "habitual criminal" status. And what does a 15 year old need hair dye for anyway? They can not bring up the other times you were caught, you should have been detained and charged at each of the other times.

    Don't worry, you're not going to Starkey. You are still a juvi and the laws in FL are pretty lenient on young folks. I hope you've learned from your stupidity.In 3 years time you'd be charged as an adult, and there goes your chances for a good job, travel, government positions, and voting.

  10. You're a minor and a recidivist or repeater offender so if you are charged in juvenile court you might be sent to a juvenile detention center or you may be place under house arrest under the custody of your parents.  One this for sure is that you won't get offf scotfree.  You need help so the state will see that you get it.

  11. You could go to Juvi and personally I believe you should, do you know the saying burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me. Third times a charm, kiss your parents and your friends goodbye for about 3 years. Sit in Juvi and then you can say you have learned your lesson. Oh and STOP SHOPLIFTING.

  12. Probably Juvie Hall.  Good luck I hope the hair dye was worth it.

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