
I'm 15 years old. I want to donate a kidney. Can i do so with parental permission? Do i have to wait to be 18?

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I really want to donate a kidney to anyone who needs one. I don't know if I'm allowed to or not. If my parents are fine with it and they sign papers and all that, can i donate a kidney or do i HAVE do be 18 years old?




  1. You should really think about what you are doing, although it is very nice.

    Donating a Kidney will take years of your life, and by then if you decide to have children, you will regret this decision because you will want more time with them, see them grow up, go through school, get married and have kids themselves. If you donate a kidney, the chances of you seeing that are very slim. It's not one of those things where there won't be concequences. When it comes to a person very close to you who you love dearly, it's a different story. As an act of your love for them you're prolonging their life and shortening your own. Think thoroughly about it.

  2. are not of legal age and no one will permit it. Wait until you are 18and not living at home with your parents.

  3. you can't just offer up a kidney, it doesn't work that way

  4. you have to wait till your kidney is fully developed. at 15 it isnt. you would have to wait a couple years, till it reaches its full development

  5. what a wonderful gift to give. My husband received a kidney years ago and it gave him 7 more years with his children. It is however a very grown up decision to make and you should talk with your parents. I believe you have to know a recipient in order to give a kidney .

  6. look it up on google

  7. You might not Be able because of growth reasons, you might not be able to because of your parents. Best thing to do is to go to a hospital and ask what you can do and if you can do it.

  8. You just can't donate an organ.  they will look only to family members for items like that.  As for the national organ transplanting those organs are taken from people who donate organs when they die.  You should not be giving up your organs until you no longer have a use for them or your father needs one.

  9. I think regardless you have to be 18 old because your still growing.  I think it's more of growth reasons.  

  10. I dont know if that is a good idea, you are very young, you could develop kidney disease and then only have one,you would not last long.

  11. Go to>>>

    A8: I've got lots of questions about donating. Who should I talk to?

    The first place to go is the transplant team. Talk to the transplant coordinator (usually a nurse), the surgeon, the social worker, or whomever you are most comfortable with. You should also consider talking with friends, family, religious leaders, and others you trust. You can also ask questions here on the LDO! Message Board.

    They'll be able to answer your question correctly..

  12. Hey, It is very kind of you to think about helping someone by donating a kidney.  I actually know quite a bit about this subject since I am in need of a kidney transplant.  To donate a kidney you must be at least 18 years old and in excellent health.  If you are healthy donating a kidney will not have any adverse impact on your health.  People can do just fine with one klidney, in fact some people are only born with one kidney and never know until a doctor discovers that they only have one.  Donating a kidney does not increase your risk of developing kidney disease because most kidney diseases attack both kidneys.  In the event that someone who has donated a kidney eventually finds themselves needing one which is very unlikely, they automaticly go to the top of the transplant list.  

    At 15, you are still growing so the doctors would not allow you to be a living donor, but one thing you can do is sign an organ donor card and let your family know of your wishes and carry it in your wallet.  Also, when you get your driver's licence sign up to be an organ donor and have it printed on your driver's licence. That way if you die in an accident you can possibly save up to seven peoples lives.

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