
I'm 15 years old and I'm pregnant whats the best way for me and my boyfriend to tell my parents?

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I'm 15 years old and I'm pregnant whats the best way for me and my boyfriend to tell my parents?




  1. Get them together and have a dinner and give them gifts to open and have it baby bibs that say Grandma and Grandpa. They cant kill you guys together with all they parents around.  

  2. id help, but i hav the same problem, exept im 13!!!!

  3. ok u need to tell ur boyfriend first.Now when you go up to your parents...yes you do need to go together to tell them this.When you do...say this "Ok,dad...I love you...and I have something important to tell you.I'm pregnant.I'm sorry and I know your disappointed in me but I am pregnant and I can't go back in time and change it,I know I made a mistake and that we are giving up allot being pregnant...and I'm sorry..we both are" then let your parents talk.Good Luck with this.

  4. Wait until your parents are in a good mood and you have their full attention.  Then say something like this:

    "Mom, Dad, I have something important to tell you, so please don't interrupt.  We're pregnant.  Obviously we didn't mean for this to happen, and you're probably disappointed, so I'm sorry.  But I realize how serious this is and I want to take responsibility.  I've scheduled a prenatal appointment for [day] and I would really appreciate it if you would come with me and support me."

    That way, you don't just talk about responsibility, you also show it.  Look up free clinics here-

    I'm glad your bf is sticking by you.  Best of luck!

    <3 Kelsey

  5. Well, I for one can't believe that you're telling the people of the Internet that you're pregnant before your own parents, but whatever...

    OK, I say that you pick a quiet time when your parents are in a good mood. Try to keep your voice from breaking or cracking when you say "Mom, Dad...I have something important to tell you..."

    And explain it as maturely and calmly as possible. Tell them your boyfriend is sticking with you through it. Most likely they'll get extremely mad at you, but keep your cool.

    Sorry, but I'm 11 and don't really know that much about this kind of thing...which is more than I want to know...

    I hope I helped. Good luck on your baby, and best wishes to your relationship with your parents and boyfriend.

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