
I'm 15 years old and I have a boyfriend and my parents are really strict about dating.?

by  |  earlier

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How can I tell them that I want to date him and have them be comfortable with him around the house and stuff?




  1. well  tell them and if they dont want to  u have no other chance but to have him with out them knowing

  2. I'm 15 as well, and I understand exactly where you're coming from. Just explain to them that you really like him, and you'd appreciate it if they respected your opinion. Ask them what they would like to do. Him come around for them to get to know him, all of you go out for lunch etc. Explain to them that you are going to go out with him, with or without their consent. And you would feel a lot better if they were nice. Think about what your going to say, and your arguments before you start the conversation, and make get ready to come to a neutral conclusion. I.E. if you want to see him every night, and stay over there every weekend, and they don't want you seeing him, you should ask them if it's alright to see him some afternoons, and not sleep over for now. As they get to know him better, they will give you a longer leash. Good luck, and remember not to shout at them if the argument isn't going your way, they will respect you and trust you a lot more if you are calm.

  3. Ask if they wouldn't mind trying to get to know him better maybe with a family dinner or outing.  If they approve, then maybe they will let you start out with supervised visits then moving to unsupervised as they get to know him.

  4. maybe they want you to concentrate on your studies first.

  5. As they should be. They are trying to not make you another pregnant teenager statistic.

    My dad wouldn't let me hang out with my friends on a friday night till i was 16 and couldn't date till i was 18. And i am grateful for that.

    Maybe you should just respect your parents decision.

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