
I'm 15 years old and got kicked out from my parents house and recently 1 year ago...

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and started living with my sister and we have been dealing with some problems.

We got in a huge fight

and now she kicked me out

and im with my friend my parents don't want me

what should i do?

ask for forgiveness?




  1. What did you do?

    If it was really bad, then you can never be forgiven.... but if it wasn't go ask for forgiveness. But it depends of what you did.

  2. If you definetly are sorry, you should ask forgivness! A bond between sisters is very special! and if you dont make things up with her you will probably regret it in a couple of years,

    Dont say it though if you dont mean it and you just want somewhere to live. x x

  3. You should be learning that you are not grown and need to be doing what you need to to get along with people and family.  Might be time for you to be looking for some work.  If you ask forgiveness and one lets you back in then you need to make yourself useful and do lots around the house.  No one wants some one around the house making messes and eating the food.  Then have to argue with them too?  Need to really think about the situation and instead of argueing go for a walk cool off and do what was asked of you.


  4. Well if you got kicked out of both houses don't you think you are the one with the problem? Not everyone else?

  5. ask for forgiveness? h**l. call the cops, you have to be atleast 18 for them to kick you out. why did they kick you out in the first place?  

  6. How are you on the computer?

  7. Your parents can't kick you out until you're 18...if you're serious, go back to your parents (I don't know what you did that was so bad that they kicked you out...) and apologize and say you're only a kid and you want to live with your parents. I don't know what else to tell you.

  8. Yes, and stop doing whatever it is you are doing to make everyone kick you out.  Shape up, go to school, get a job, go to church.

  9. no matter what your parents still love you and you sould never fell as if you can't talk about things and make things better with them

  10. It's illegal for your parents to kick you out unless you're 18.

  11. What exactly did u do?

  12. i think you should ask for forgiveness cos I'm sure you don't wanna be homeless

  13. i have to disagree with can always be forgiven! i would tell both your parents and your sister that you are sorry and ask for forgivness. then i would ask your parents if they will give you another chance to live with them if you promise to respect them and not do whatever you did before. it might be hard but trust me you will feel much better afterwards

    don't stay with a friend. if this friend is 15 like you then you are probably imposing on their parents and as much as your friends parents might want to help you letting you stay in their house isn't helping you because you need to face your problems with your family

    good luck! hope i helped

  14. Ask for forgiveness.

    If she doesn't take it...

    Go to a grandparents.

    A friends.

    A boyfriends.

  15. I would ask for forgiveness

    usually family is pretty close and my parents taugth me to always be there for them. I beleive asking for forgiveness also shows that you've grown up a bit so I say go for it

  16. WT DID U DO GIRL ?


    U R UNDERAGE.. !!  

  17. Was it your fault if they kicked you out?

    You should live by their rules and do your best until you can graduate high school and go off to college.

    Trust me - I tried to do it all on my own without my family and it was the biggest mistake of my life. Even if it means making sacrifices to make your family happy and trust you... DO IT. If you don't you won't ever get what you want out of life.

  18. Live with your friends?

  19. Ask for forgiveness, and if they don't let you come back then call the cops for child abandonment.

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