
I'm 16, and going on a long car trip with a 9, 6, and 4yr old. Any ideas of things to keep them busy?

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My brother has a PSP and I have a DS, so I figured I'd bring those. There's a DVD player in the car, but we don't have any new movies and the kids will only sit still for so long.

I guess I could bring coloring books. Maybe some snacks like Goldfish or something. Ummm ...

See, the thing is we're going to be doing most of our driving during the day. So I need ideas of stuff to keep them not-annoying!! xD

Also, we leave tomorrow (I pretty much just found out) so there's no time to go out and buy anything ...

And if you have any ideas for kid songs, tell me because I'm planning to make some CDs. The kids love songs like Who Let The Dogs Out and stuff like that.




  1. Do you remember that old game "I Spy"?? Play person says, "I spy with my little eye..something that is...(name color here) then the rest of the people try to guess what it is that the "spy-er" sees. (hint: I would probably make the rules so that they can only pick things inside the car since the car will be moving) also, when you get out at the rest stop, I recommend playing tag or some other high energy release all that pent up energy. NO SUGARY SNACKS or DRINKS!! haha, they'll all bounce off the walls!

  2. it sounds like you have all the goods to keep children satisfied games like find the alphabet on license plate, or find the state something like that, after a short while of the movie they will fall asleep any way a nice car ride and a movie calls for a nap . goodluck and have fun.

  3. snacks and coloring

  4. bring coloring books,food,music,paint,puzzles,pencil,pa... alot more

  5. bring them some regular computer paper and play pictionary... kinda.. Picture charades...

    also, you could play the liscense plate game... and when you want the kids to actually go to sleep, PLAY THE QUIET GAME!! it works like a charm. Bring goldfish, oreos, and juice boxes.

  6. I spy is a good car ride game.. I spy something red or green or such.

  7. benadryl..if you know what i mean

  8. has a bunch of kid friendly song titles,you can also print out some word search puzzles for the 9 & 6 yr old and some toys i.e..(hot wheels if boy/dollies if girl) for the 4 yr old.Bring a movie the haven't seen in awhile or borrow from a friend or rent a new release.Good luck on the road trip :)

  9. make cd's bring toys, get all the dvd's, try borrowing some. sounds like you have it covered.

  10. It actually sounds like you are on the ball here.  Have the older ones read to the younger one - or teach him or her a new song.  There are lots of preschool songs that the older kids might have fun being silly with.  I spy is always great.  The two older ones can play hangman or complete the square games on paper and the younger one can color. The 4 year old will probably fall asleep if she's watching a DVD. Good luck!

  11. You can make up a story that is really fun! so  one person make like 1 or 2 sentences then another person does the same thing until you have a kool can decide when the story ends like...the last person finishes it or watever....

  12. You can let them count to 1000 but help them.You can let them sang 100 or 1000 bottles of beer on the wall but help them.You can let them play patty cake by them selves.

  13. Reading books or I Spy books are good.

    Some car games:

    - license plates

    - find things in/out of car starting with A, then b, then c....

    - do the game "I'm going camping and I'm going to bring an apple", next person repeats and then adds a b, 3rd repeats and adds a c...

    - each take turns naming words where words start with the letter the last one ended in.

    - Make up a group story where each person contributes a sentence until you get to a conclusion.

    - Bribery - offer a treat when it is half hour/hour to a meal/ice cream stop, and say if they are good, you can stop for it.

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