
I'm 16, is it possible I'm pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I had s*x very early morning on August 4th, but my calendar said I ovulated on August 3rd. I am now 6 dpo, and I feel period pains, such as cramping and pain in my left ovary. Are these possible signs of pregnancy? Also, would the very early morning s*x mean I was too late? My b*****s feel fuller, and tender, but not sore. I felt the peak of ovulation pains around the 6th.. so could that mean I ovulated late and have a better chance of pregnancy?




  1. if u didnt want to get pregnant why would would u have s*x when ur period was about 2 come on?

    wait a week or so then take a test.

  2. Their are to many signs of being pregnant and almost all of them are signs of a period. The best thing for you to do or anyone who thinks they are pregos. Either wait tell your normal period is suppose to arrives or go to the dr to get a blood test or do a at home pregnancy test. You did not mention if you actually wanted to be pregos. Personally I cant believe people under the age of 18 are even having s*x. If you dont want a baby you should not being having s*x. Its not fair to the child or the people around you if you are pregos and not old enough to take care of one or ready for one. You are not even making a income to support yourself let alone a child. So I would say make sure before you have s*x to use as much protection as possible if you really need to have s*x or do have it at all.

  3. Maybe try using birth control?  Just wait and see if your period is late.  if it is, take a pregnancy test.

  4. You need to see the doc.

  5. I am not sure what answer you are looking for. You have asked this question so many times in the past day that I can't imagine you do not have enough answers. Wait until you miss your period, take a test...pretty simple. As far as your name and why you are posting in the TTC section, I am wondering if you are really even a teenager or if you are using that to generate more interest in your question. It's quite confusing why you would want to conceive at the age of 16.  

  6. You could be pregnant. Although many women's ovulation cycles are not right on schedule. Your name is TTCmom. I'm assuming you are already a mom and want another baby? Why would you want another at such a young age? I wasn't as young as you but I sometimes missed my freedom..,more like my friends that I don't see very much anymore.

  7. Why is this under trying to conceive....?

    Any time you have s*x there's a chance you'll get pregnant.  We can't tell you if you are or not. You need to wait and see if you miss your period.  Then take a test.

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