
I'm 16 and I'm moving to France soon, what should I expect? Any advice?

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I'm 16 and I'm moving to France soon, what should I expect? Any advice?




  1. willyag  is totally right

  2. Hey!! I live in france and I moved here from england when I was 7.

    First of all, it is pretty hard. But, people will probably be facinated by you because you are not french. :]

    Its probs gonna be harder when you are 16 compared to when I was 7. I picked up on the language pretty fast. (about a year) It depends on wether you are a fast learner or not :]

    Don't freak out or anything. French people aren't too bad, they are a bit annoying sometimes, but you gotta put up with it :)

    Also, in france, you won't find some foods you would in other countrys. If you are veggie, be prepared for the worst. They don't even know what that means here :)

    All in all, french people are nice.

    Good luck!



    That raven person dosn't know what he is talking about. Lots of people in france are overweight, and they do have senses of humor, and they are not snobs.

  3. Learn to have no sense of humor at all like them. They will think you're weird if you make jokes.

  4. don't listen the stupid answer by raven, french people are very nice people, yes, sometimes we are afraid of the over weight i USA, be prepared to eat great food (not like in UK or US), french food is the world's best!

    it explain tht over weight people in France are 10% (because of mac donald's)

    comparing to over weight in US (48%) it's a paradise, we eat a lot and 4 times a day, but we eat good products.

    A meal  can be more than 3 hours 'especially on sunday and at diner.

    people are nice, just try to begin a conversation in french, and they'll be the effort to speak english, or at least listen to you.

    french week time for working is 35 hours max, except in restaurants and bars (39 hours weekly), so people have time and they take all the time they need to enjoy life, sunshine, cafés, restaurants....

    french have 7 weeks vacation a year, and a minister of "free time",

    they like speaking politics, and travels.

    french don't hate americans, they hate Bush since the irak war

    life is very expensive, but less than in london.

    a coff is about 1 to 2 €, 3 to 5€ in paris.

    have a great time in France

  5. oh expect the snobbiness.. omg.. those are one of the snobbiest people alive.. they think they are better than anybody else... trust me.. i have a grandma who is french.. let's not even talk about it.. just say u r famous in america, then u go to frnace.. their gonna be like.. " who is this person? They're not better than me" They'll just ignore you.. Also make sure you are a good weight or basically, not overweight... They will stare you down like a hawk.. When the see overweight peeps, they are like " oh my.. what a disgrace" Trust me.. my grandma makes fun of big people's butts.. also make sure u have MONEY! omg.. when my dad was in the navy and was young and went to france, the only thing he could afford was a piece of bread... and that was like $3.00...He couldn't even afford a small sandwhich... And also make sure you speak french... if u don't, only like 5% of the chance they are going to translate for you.. okay so here is what u need...

    1) expect snobbiness

    2) make sure you are not over weight

    3)make sure you have money(lots of it)

    4) make sure you speak French..

    I really hope that helps!  Enjoy France..

  6. Obviously you should expect french people. Be sure to bring your own food and if you ever need an operation, you know where to go.

  7. nice weather & good food! You should learn the language pretty quick when you live in a country. I would love to move there!

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