
I'm 16 and have 7.5 inch p***s (seriously). I don't want it any bigger. What do I do?

by Guest31699  |  earlier

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For those who are quick to say, "Yeah right" or "flip the ruler around," you should know that I've heard it before and measured it CORRECTLY. Parallel to the ground, from the base, not the sack, everything. I measured when I was barely hard and got to 5 inches. I was surprised that 5 inches was that length.

Anyway, I do know that girls do NOT like it too big and that guys who are more well-endowed have more issues down the road sexually. So... how do I have it not grow anymore? I have a mustache, beard, chest hairs, pubic hairs, every kind of hair that a full grown male would have, so I'm an early bloomer. I have a deep voice, too.

And before you say an ignorant remark, ask yourself... who would want his p***s to stop growing? It's a serious question... I want serious answers, please.




  1. im a 16 year old girl and be proud of what you got!...if it grows it grows...thats not necessarily a bad thing...but seriously you have no worries.

  2. You can't do anything about it (surgically) whether it's big or small. It's not the same as a breast reduction in both men and women or breast enlargement, a nose job, and lip job. Unless if it's a real serious medical problem like penile cancer or an accident, just leave it alone. You can't surgically enhance or reduce your p***s size. It might affect blood vessels, urinary system, and nervous system in there. Real medical doctors haven't done anything like that before. Talk to your family doctor and one or two more other real medical doctors to get their opinion and you'll see. If you're also growing tall like past 6 feet tall, then that "package" is natural for a person your height.

  3. there is nothing that you can do and worrying about it will not change the out come. relax and just be who you are.

  4. hey dude im 15 and 7.5 we just gotta live with it and please the woman

  5. wow

  6. you must be hanging with total idiots, to say that you will have problems later down the road because of size..what a need to learn to like your body, that God gave you, and learn how to use  it. you are not the only guy with a large p***s, and theres plenty that are larger. rather than complain about something you can;t do a d**n thing about,,embrass it, talk to other guys that are huge, and move on with your life..

  7. 7.5? Dont worry.

    I know I'm not a guy, but I will try to be helpful.

    I dont believe there is any way to stop your growth...dont worry you were born to be big.

    Also my Man had a p***s at 8 inch's when he was your age and it only grew about an inch more since then...oh and 9 inch's is great for s*x.

    You only have a couple more years for it to grow dont worry.  

  8. Why would you want it to stop growing! Be proud!

  9. You have my understanding {and a measure of sympathy}. When I was 12, I was 5" long erect. At age 18, I was 8" long erect. I am older now and have a 10" erection about 5.5" around. Short of surgery, there is little you can do. Learn to use it properly {so as not to hurt your lady friends}, be proud {but not a braggart} and good luck to you. You sound very level headed {no pun intended} and I am sure you will be fine.

  10. dude i think u will beat mandingo(largest p***s he has) im 15 and i got like 5.8inches, um can u give me some inches so i get to around 6.5/


    u say ur grown and all, so now in my opnion it wont grow bcoz ur already mature, but ur only 16 so it may grow till ur 18..but thers no guarantee for that..

  11. babes ive had 8 inches before, 7 n half isnt a problem at the moment.. i think once u get to 9 maybe u shud be worrying.. ahah :P

    but for now yoour fine, just get out there and enjoy it hunny :D


  12. You can't do anything, sorry.

  13. hee hee, i would love to do ya ,  that's an AWESOME length, i would so love it if i could be pounded by that length;)

    enjoy it, you are a lucky one and have fun with it

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