
I'm 16 and have AIDS.?

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I found out I have HIV about a month ago from shooting heroine. I am 16. I don't know how to tell my parents. I am afraid they will go after my boyfriend Corey who taught me how to shoot heroine. I used his needles too. He also has HIV. I ruined my life so early just because heroine was what all my friends were doing. Corey knows we are both going to die. Should we even tell our parents?




  1. Tell your parents so you can go to the Dr and get the meds you need.  It will be hard to tell but, I'm sure your parents love you and want the best.  Your immune system will be stronger if you are not carrying all this worry.  We are all going to go some day, so make the best of your days and love your family and cherish every moment you have.  Please stay off the drugs, they will only make things worse.  Best wishes.

  2. ok, I'm not gonna judge you on the drug thing...!

    The HIV...have to address that asap as you said your immune system is weak anyway.. The fact that you are 16 doesn't make it least where I'm from, the clinics before 18 they always call parents.

    You have to tell them if you wanna live girl.

    Without treatment you might only have few years to live.

    I've had HIV for 10 yrs now and am doing great on treatment. I'm healthy, married and will be having baby next yr. You can have as normal life as you's just your choice.

    I am pretty sure the docs would have to get you of heroine though... HIV meds and drugs don't mix well, plus you'd be wasting the meds if you're still willing to kill yourself.

    Just get it together, deep breath and tell your parents.. and start to take care of yourself..

    Take care  :o)

  3. You want an honest answer from me?

    Go to Church and Pray

  4. boy, did you fall for the wrong guy. of course you have to tell your parents, they are going to have to start practising Universal Precautions now that you are sick. and you are going to need lots of medications, they will have to pay for that. you have to tell them. i find it so amazing that kids still make these stupid choices. it almost sounds as if you have romanticized this whole thing. you guys are not Romeo and Juliet dying for love- it isn't that wonderful or that easy. grow up a bit- so the right thing for a change,, and tell your parents what you have done. good luck with that.

  5. omgosh if you are serious then yes tell your parents they can get you the meds for it so you wont die!!!! just tell them and now is the time to worry about yourself not corey you are more important now

  6. By not telling people and getting treated, you will likely just ruin more innocent lives by letting it spread to other people.

    Plus, you CAN live for a pretty long time. HIV medications are really good these days, and you can have a normal healthy life for 10, 20, 30+ years. But you need to do something about it NOW before the disease becomes more advanced.

    He isn't going to because he's stupid. Do you want to follow in his footsteps? You need to help yourself. You can have your life back. But you need to do something about this now. You haven't been stupid - you're young and maybe a bit naive, and you got into an unfortunate situation. This Corey guy sounds like the worst thing that ever happened to you.

    Please, get help.

  7. You need to tell your parents, and i am sure they will want to go after Cory, as i would.  How could he have put you at risk for HIV if he is your boyfriend?  he should be worried about protecting you, not exposing you.  

    But, you need to tell your parents because they can get you treatment.  HIV is not like it was in the past, nowadays people can live for many years with HIV.  But you need to get on medication to stop the virus from progressing and you need to stop behaviors that will hurt your health (drug use) and you need to take care of your body (eat well).  Your parents and family can help you do all of this and they can provide the social support that you need.  Cory may leave, or you may leave him, but your family is always there for you.  

    Well, i hope you will consider what i have said.  there is so much you can do with your life, even if you are HIV positive.  

  8. Yes you must tell your parents.This is very serious.If they love you they will understand.Are you sure your not fibbing though cause for starters you can't even spell heroin.

  9. You need to tell your parents and go to a a doctor right away. There are many free clinics that can help. You can live a long, healthy life with HIV; it is not a death sentence. I'm sorry you have HIV.

    My friend has lived with HIV for 15 years; he is on medication, works out, eats well and has lived a very healthy and productive life.

    Have you stopped using heroine, it's not too late to start taking care of yourself.

  10. OMG tell your parents!!

  11. You have to tell your parents because their insurance will pay for the medications you need to live. Since you have HIV, you have a longer time to live than you think since it's not AIDS and the meds can help it stay that way. They might go after your boyfriend, but eventually they will realize it was your choice and he is not their main concern.

  12. IF you are both infected, you need to tell your parents. You will need their health care information to cover the medications you will need. If you are newly infected, you chances for a long healthy life is very good, as long as you cut the drugs. get into medical treatment and follow Doctor's orders.

    Convince your friend it necessary to let your parent know. If you don't do anything that will be a lot worst, and the process of dying become clouded.

  13. im sorry to say this but he dosnt love you that much to give you HIV and encourage doing heroin, hes obviously no good, and why should you tell your parents if hes not???? Because you want to live, if he leaves you wat are you gonna do????? you gotta have your own life

    im sorry you have HIV but if you want to live you need to tell your parents, youd be a idiot if you dont, sorry
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