
I'm 16 and my boyfriends 22 and I'm pregnant can he go to jail?

by  |  earlier

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well I'm not sure if my parents can put him in prison if they wanted to ..and I'm keeping the baby .. i just don't want my parents to try to put him in jail hes going to take care of it hes been working so much ..... im just worried .. i mean ca they do that?




  1. He will.  He is a child molester.

  2. yes...he can go to juail...because you are young...and your parents can press cahrges for having(***)with you....andgetting you pregnat

  3. Yes honey they can call the police. If they call the police, they will arrest him. After that it is up to the DA(District Attorney) if they want to press charges. Most likely they would. Once a law has been broken and the authorities are involved, it is out of your and your parents hands. Good luck to you.

  4. It depends upon the age of consent in your state. Statutory rape is non-forcible sexual relations between an adult and a person not of legal age to consent to such relations so if you live in, say, the Deep South where the age of consent is somewhere around 10, your parents may not be able to press charges.

  5. Yes, If they wanted to they could have him go to jail. It would be considered studatory rape since your a minor and he's not. I wouldn't worry about it though. I think your parents would rather your baby have a father who will take care of it than just one parent.

  6. Yes, and he should.

  7. hes a perv

  8. Yea he's over 18 and he's six years older then you so technically no offense intended he could be called a pedophile and now he's gonna be on the sexual predators list for the rest of his life

  9. Yea.. if they wanted to

  10. Yes he can my friend got pregnant once by an 19 year old (she was 13) he went to jail for 3months then she got pregnant again by the same guy 3years later and he's still in jail 3 years later.  

  11. Yes sweetie its called Statutory Rape because your a minor. And believe me if it was my child i would prosicute to the fullest extent.

  12. They could, yep.

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