
I'm 16 and my girlfriend is 17. Is it a crime to have s*x?

by  |  earlier

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We're both under age and we want to get it on. Is it a crime and will we both go to jail? What's the official law? Or is it only the guy that is breaking the law?





  1. heres the info

  2. Just wait til it's legal if you're worried. If you were in UK it would be fine!

  3. Well you could both be arrested for corrupting the morals of a minor.  But that is a stretch...check your state statutes before you think about this again.

    Make sure YOU ARE BOTH using excuses, condoms are cheap, and she can get the pill from Planned parenthood or health department.  

    Babies are people.  Ask yourself, "Is this the person I want to have my child with?"  

    That is a bit different than "wanting to get it on" don't you think?

  4. no i think it is a 2 year difference after age 17, but it may be wise to wait at least another year just to be on the safe side so no one gets in trouble. if you do decide to do this though definetly use protection a condom and she should be on the pill or some other form of birth control also trust me those few minutes of pleasure are not worth the next 18 years of your life or beyond until you are ready to start a family.

  5. against the law probably but if not use protection u don't want her pregnet

  6. no?? lol use protection.

  7. depends on your state just do a google search of "age of consent" and your state

  8. your girlfriend can get charged rape once she turns 18 because she would technically be considered an adult and you'd still be a minor.

  9. it can only be charged with rape if one of u is no longer a minor.You are 16,she is 17,right?Well then nobody could say she raped u or that u raped her...but then again when she turns 18 i think it would be a different story.she would be charged with rape because she is no longer a minor,and you still would be.Get what I'm saying?But think of it this way,if she gets pregnant ur gonna be a daddy and she's gonna be a mom.Neither of you are ready for a baby are you?Use protection,but remember that most protection isn't always 100% effective.So you can still always get pregnant...and if she does turn out to be pregnant then her daddy is gonna kill your ***!!!Now,let me ask you,do you really want all this to happen?I didn't think so...i wouldn't have s*x untill you are out of your parents house and she is as well,or else your life is gonna be a living h**l!But if you want to go ahead,just remember all this that I'm telling you.

  10. i dont know, just dont do it, we dont need another pregnant 16 year old

  11. no you both are under age, USE A CONDOM FOR GODS SAKE THOUGH.

  12. it depends on the country and state your in. for most the legal age is 16 but i would make sure. please wear a condom because ur both young and lustful so be safe.

  13. I dunno. It depends on the age of consent where you live. In canada its unlikely you would get charged, because ur just teens having s*x. But in the states it seems much more likely, but only if your parents care enough to go to the police.

    I personally don't think there's anything wrong with it unless you are careful and use protection.

  14. well if ure parents find out they can charge her with doesnt matter what age


    You know, you're supposed to Google, and THEN ask.

    Oh, and if you're stupid enough to not know anything about the age of consent, you're probably stupid enough to not know anything about safe s*x.  See you again on here in 9 months!

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