
I'm 16 and pregnant and i want to finish high school i mean graduate on stage. WHAT CAN I DO?!?

by Guest63520  |  earlier

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so im four months pregnant and im due for febuary which means i would only be able to do the first semester of the year. i realyy want to graduate on stage but i really dont know how thats why im asking fo help.




  1. try talking to your parents maybe they will take care of your baby while you are going to school. you should have thought about that before.

  2. i dont think your question is clear enough, whats stopping you?  

  3. FYI- someone else suggested a GED - that is NOT THE SAME as a diploma and employers do not look at it the same way - nor does the service- at  least they didn't when my counselor advised me to drop out of school and get my GED and then join the Navy - the Navy did not accept GED - only diplomas.

    Home school- home school - home school  until after baby born and then ask for help and go back to school -please finish school. You have no idea how important that is!

  4. well, I don't exactly know? You could go through with it, or abort it, even though I'm like really against that. But idk? maybe you could check out the school and see if they have a child watching center place, my high school has one. Although, if you want to be with the baby then you could take certain hours of the day with the baby, and other hours you can do an online class and also go to school at the same time. Good luck! =D

  5. well what grade are you? hopefully your a senior...or atleast a junior. Well you can always have your baby in February and take a week or 2 off after the baby is born. to do this you are going to need to talk with your teachers early and let them know. also that means your are going to have to keep your absences to an absolute minimum other than these 2 weeks to keep teachers from failing you. Even those days where your "sick" and would normally take off unless you are running a fever or are vomiting ill then you are going to have to go to school. also after the baby is born you are going to need to do something as far as child care. how old is your babys father? is he out of school and can watch during the day? what about grandparets or aunts and uncles? it will be very difficult but if your a senior it will only be for a few months and then you graduate and have your diploma

  6. i was in college when i had my second child.  i had her on a sunday and i was in class on monday.  it's hard and all but it's not like you're sprinting.  i went to class with my little pillow, took my notes, did my work and finished the semester.  you can do anything you are determined to do.

    the problem you may have after the baby is day care or something.  check into teenage mom's help sources.  i'm not sure where you live but most states have help for that sort of thing where you can get sitters and day cares and stuff so check into it.  if nothing else maybe you can get your mom or someone close to watch the baby while you're in class.  good luck and don't give up.  you'll make it.

  7. Check and see if your school has an online education program that you only have to go in a few times a month to do test in. You aren't graduating this year so you have a few years to make up lost credits. Talk with your school they should help you out.

    Congrats on the bundle fo joy you are gonna have =D

  8. ok my mom got pregnant in high school and ended up dropping out of school.  she regrets it all the time.  so it is good that you want to stay in school.  the best thing i would tell you to do is have your mom watch the baby while your at school or if your mom works take her to a day care.  but tere is no reason why you couldn't graduate on stage.

  9. Well, your school will let you have a pregnancy leave.

    You will have all your work sent home and when you are recovered you will return to school.

    Talk to you counselor and principal and they should work something out with you.

    Graduating at 16?

    Whatever you do keep up in school and stuff.

    Good Luck!!

  10. Do what Juno did.

  11. Maybe you should've thought about that before you got pregnant.

    You'll not get to do that i'm guessing. You can still go to school even though you're pregnant. But Try talking to your parent(s).

    You could always do home-bound where tutors come to your house

    and you'd still get your diploma that way. Or You can easily get your GED which considering your 16 ,You only have one more year left....

    depending on your bday,But Good luck to you.

    Having a baby is an awesome thing and being a mom has its days but you get through it,knowing you're LOVED back no matter what!

    are you having a boy or girl??

    I had my daughter 2/11/06....

    I was 23 when I had her.

    If you have your parents/family supporting you

    you're blessed too!


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