
I'm 16 and worked really hard on this poem. Honest opinions please! Thanks a ton!?

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A Shack on Mary’s drive

On Mary’s Drive I dwell

Accompanied by few

To this day I am the smallest shack

Mary’s drive has ever knew

Surrounding me are houses

Much bigger, much more strong

Their walls are covered in hard red brick

Material of which I long

They were shacks once long ago

This fact I know as true

Yet unlike me made out of tree

Received they materials new

Within those brick lined walls

Lies a group of their own breed

Families containing “the nation’s best”

Fill their homes with greed

A shack on Mary’s Drive

On Mary’s Drive I dwell

My walls are old and wooden

Far from an easy sell

With all these facts against me

I cannot help but grin

The other’s materials are beautiful

Yet somehow I still win

Look past my broken hinges

Look through my window small

Inside of me lives a group of three

Owning close to nothing at all

They look onto their neighbors

As I look onto mine

We may not have those hard red bricks

But we’ll remain just fine

What we possess is FAMILY

And yes that is a wealth

We’ll stick together through the rain

Through sickness and through health

-ME- <33333




  1. for a sixteen year old I think its lovely dear, but now for some real truths your first twenty or so lines you completely loose me because there is no direction seems like a lot of jumbled up pieces of detail that are unrelated to each other,

    the last lines however are Briant they are clear an sweet and your poem has a fitting ending and over all like I said in the beginning its lovely darling keep it up, your a poet no doubt.

  2. honestly? if you insist.........talent!  good cadence, also impressed by the mature and insightful words of this poem as well as by the way its crafted. great work

  3. Ur poem is like soooo gr8, i lov it, its liek sooo pretty yao, i mean you have the man spirit in u girl!!!, ur hip in writing.

  4. I like the poem a lot, but it doesn&#039;t have a steady rhythm. I have to read every few lines over again because it doesn&#039;t flow like it should... if that makes sense.

  5. Some lines have no flow like supposed to.Maybe you can fix it

  6. refresing,yo.

    i like it.

  7. This tells a wonderful story and is quite charming. But it needs some work. The rhyming pattern of : xAXA, xBxB, xCxC.... is very strong. In fact you have sacrificed the rules of standard English upon the altar of rhyme. &quot;Has ever knew&quot; is a grammatical abomination. But don&#039;t change it, because it works. The next strongest quality is meter. It is ALMOST always very regular, and when it is not, it is jarring. For instance, &quot;Owning close to nothing&quot; has one syllable too much. Try something like &quot;They&#039;ve close to nothing.&quot; And in the third line &quot;I&#039;m&quot; sounds better than &quot;I am&quot; to me.

    L7 - Change &quot;of&quot; to &quot;for.&quot;

    L15 - Look for a two syllable substitute for &quot;containing.&quot;

    L23 is a metrical mess.

    L 29 &amp; 30 - &quot;upon&quot; instead of &quot;onto.&quot;

    These are all minor, but may help.

    P.S. It doesn&#039;t matter to me if you are 16, 6, or 60. The poem&#039;s the thing. This one is good.

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