
I'm 16 can I get medication from the doctors for OCD and/or Social anxiety?

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I havn't been diagnosed with OCD or Social anxiety but I always used to step like 6 times and stuff so I think I still have it and also with my social I can't look at people when I'm walking and I always feel like people are staring at me, so I'm sure thats social anxiety.

So my question is can I go to my doctors and get a prescription if they diagnose me with OCD and social anxiety without my parents knowing? I have just turned 16 so its legal isn;t it? Also about 2 weeks ago when I went to the doctors the doctor said I can come to the surgery and I think get a prescription not sure. Does anyone know anything if so thanks very much and don;t think I'm crazy I just want to be well for the new school term, cheers.




  1. Sorry, but it's not possible to get medication without the consent of a parent guardian if your under 18.

    You could try talking to your parents about this and then get help from there?

  2. Since you are young, I don't think you can get prescription drugs without parental consent.

  3. Of course you can get help and, more importantly, you can go back to school/college.  OCD is a recognised problem - same for social anxiety.  I have OCD (I do everythings in 3's) and still manage to survive.

    You need to be open with your GP.  If your GP won't help you, let me know - I'll make enquiries - I'll try to find someone to help you.

    Don't give up. x*x

  4. i'm 15 i went in and got diagnosed with both those things

    they wouldnt give you medication, cos they wouldnt give me any and i have it bad

    but they referred me to a counsiller and told me to tell my parents myself x

  5. In the US at least, you can make and attend doctor appt's without your parents knowledge.  Here, it catches up to you when the insurance bills come due.  Occasionally, that way makes some sense if parents are refusing to ackowledge or get medical attention for a real problem.  It can wake them up.

    It sounds like you haven't even discussed this with your parents yet, so that is the place to start.  What's more, therapy would help you a lot.  The best treatment for any mental illness is therapy or meds and therapy, not medication first with a maybe on therapy.  Also, your family can be a good source of support, but they have to know what's going on with you.  Talk to them.

  6. Why don't you want your parents to know? Those are controlled Drugs and unless you have your own Medical plan and can pay for everything yourself your parents still need to know until you reach the age of majority usually at age 18

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