
I'm 16 should I take drivers ed or wait until i'm 18 to get my license?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I really want to take drivers ed! Only because I want to drive really bad! I went with my mom and we drove around this huge cemetary and I did great! Today I even backed out of the drive way into the street and I did it so perfect! So I dont know if drivers ed would be good or not for me since I can drive pretty good and it wouldnt take much for my parents to teach me if I got my TIP permit when I turn 18.

but on the other hand I want to drive right now and plus I would learn more probably taking drivers ed but my parents dont have 300 bucks!




  1. you should take a drivers ed class. they teach you tricks that can help you when you take the behind the wheel test. i thought i was a pretty good driver before i took the class and i learned a lot. by the way shop around $300 sounds expensive ask some of the older kids in your school where they went and how much they paid and do you really want to wait till your 18 to drive.

  2. Your so good you really need drivers ec

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