
I'm 16...will I grow up?

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Well, I'm 168 cm (+/- 5'5 (I'm not sure, I never understood this things with inches and feet :D)) and I'm 16.

I was wondering if I will still grow up! because I already heard that girls grow up until 18, but in another place I heard that just until 16!


To the genes, well my father is tall (178 cm - 5'8 (?)) but my mother is short just around 5'4 :/

The weird things is that I always was one of the tallest girls, and now... :S

And, when I was little, my parents told me that they saw on TV that kids that are 5 (I'm not sure, but I think it was 5...) years old and already 1 m tall (3'3 (?)) would be as adults around 5'9!

So I'm confused, because it looks like I stopped to grow, but I'm just 5'5 and I want to be at least 5'7!

Will I grow up??

Thanks in advance!!




  1. You might grow a couple more inches or you might not.  When it comes to height children are typically somewhere in-between their parent's heights, but sometimes that can differ.  If there are several tall family members on one or both sides of your family (uncles, aunts, etc) who are direct members of your family (your Dad's brothers or sisters for example not their spouses) then you chances of being taller will be greater.  Most modern women are between 5'2" and 5'10" so you're right in the middle.

  2. girls usually stop growing between the ages of 17-18 so maybe you will grow those 2 inches. If not be happy with what you have.

  3. I am the same height as an adult that I was in the 8th grade. I wear the same size shoes and everything. I suppose it is possible that you could grow some more but  probably not.

  4. I'm 17 and I'm 5 foot. guys like short girls so don't even worry about it. 5'4" is the normal height for a girl in the USA. my boyfriend is 6'2". he's 14 inches taller then me. which if you don't know exactly what that means, it means he's TALLLLL.

    you may still grow. you might even have one more big grow-spurt right before you turn 18.  unless you're trying to be a model... i wouldn't worry about it.

  5. yes you will hit a growth spurt eventually i didn't get mine until this past 2 years. 8th grade i was 4'8" and now im sophmore and im 5'7" i grew like a half a foot a year!

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