
I'm 16 years old and drive a 1995 Toyota Corolla, what would be the cheapest insurance?

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I live in Arlington Texas




  1. in the state of texas you are too young to sign an insurance contract therefore you would be unable to obtain insurance on your own. im a licensed agent and there is no competent agent that would sell coverage directly to you. you would have to be listed on a family members policy such as mom, dad etc. chances are for the addition of you alone would be a couple of hundred annually and then depending on the coverages for the car a couple of hundred more. if you have drivers ed, defensive driving, honor roll you will be able to get some discounts--nothing much, but enough to see. good luck.

  2. Your Toyota is older, and does not have a lot of value.  To insure the car, would cost too much at your age.  Best thing you can do is buy Liability only.  It is probably best if your parents buy the insurance and put you on as a driver.  You pay your parents back.  

  3. hi my name is summer and im 8 years old and i  live in flordia and i know you are talking to a englsh girl but whats your name you are to little to be driveing on  1995 and my brothers is older then you ahahahahahahahahahahah

  4. there are many insurance they are claiming they are cheaper, it is better search on net, i am having national insurance

  5. the best way to find an answer for a  question is trying to explore a approach among an abundant of is a good one.

  6. iugiwonka, For car insurance the quickest method to get a low quote is do a policy comparison. If you choose the same coverage levels, you can get an fast quote to compare against others. Use the same city/state, car make and model, mileage and driving history to ensure you get an apples to apples comparison. To get fast auto quotes, go to and you can compare the major auto insurance companies.

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