
I'm 17 and I've lately shown an interest in acting, how would i go about starting?

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I know you have to hire an agent, but how do you even HEAR about things like walk-on rolls? Do i HAVE to take drama before i go into acting?




  1. See if your home town has a small theater and do some volunteering there. If the have small part up try for one and see if you really care for it. If you are still in school try out for the school plays and this will show you what you would be up against. Acting though it may look easy is not. If it is truly your passion  then by all means pursue it. Before you go in search of an agent take a few acting lessons or better yet attend a school for acting and the arts.There is more to acting then just memorizing lines.

  2. School musical

  3. You need lots of years of experience! Go to classes before you even think about agents!

  4. You start by acting where you are, in school and in the community.  This will tell  you if you are any good at it.  If you are, then you take professional acting classes and keep acting in plays and indie films and build up a resume. Then you search for an agent.  You don't have to take drama in HS, but you should be in the plays, if they are attached, take it.

  5. Acting is tough, and it's good that you know so. Talent, determination, skill, and perseverance are all must haves. And even then it's not enough. You often miss out on work for reasons beyond your control, i.e you're too pretty, young, old, fat, skinny, dark, light, funny, nice etc etc.

    You need to be properly trained (drama school, courses etc). You also need a good agent, who understands what you want, and sees your potential. Then you need a VERY thick skin. You will receive a lot of criticism, and it will feel personal. And you need to be willing to sacrifice a lot. Move away from your family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend if work calls for it.

    You need a great photgraph. This is how you open the door that leads to agents, then auditions, then work. Do not skint on this expence. Be prepared to pay a couple of hundred to have you picture taken by a talented actors photographer. You can find them in the phone book, or often through recommendations of agents whom you approach.

    Once you have a great photo, write up a performance cv, stating any performance or related experience you have. Do NOT put your normal jobs (paper-run, waiting tables etc) on this, only performance, training, theatre, voice, sport ability, accents, height, eye and hair colour etc.

    Then produce lots of copies of cv and photo, and call agents, requesting a meeting. Sometimes they'll see you in person, other times they'll ask you to submit your forms. Attach a self addressed stamped envelope if you want your photos back. Any agency that asks you for money in order to represent you is a scam. An acting agent takes a percentage of your income for each acting job, that is the legitimate way they make money. Where I am it varies between 10% and 20% depending on the agent and the type of work.

    Good luck. You'll need an abundance of confidence, a thick skin, and plenty of perseverance. It can very often be years before you get good work. As Don Cheattle once said "If you can do anything else, do it". But if acting is really you passion, all the sacrifices will be worth it if you succeed. Bear in mind most people do not succeed, and that is a risk you must be willing to take

  6. you need to have connections, and sponsors.. otherwise it will be super hard.. nearly impossible.. i don't mean to discourage you or anything, but that's just the simple truth.. you can try some disney movies at first, i heard like the highschool musicals had open auditions..

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