
I'm 17 and I've never had a boyfriend or kissed anyone. I'm so sad. What's wrong with me?

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Everyone i know has kissed people and everything. all my friends have kissed someone and I feel so left out. I get so sad about it that i even cry. i know it's pathetic but I feel so stupid and ugly. my best friend always has a bunch of guys flocking to her and is always talking about how she's hanging out with this guy and that guy and all these guys are in love with her and she doesn't know who to choose. she's having s*x and everything and I feel so left out. i'm a little bit jealous about it too. there she is breaking these guys hearts for the stupidest reasons and i get mad about that. i feel so immature because I've never kissed a guy or had a boyfriend. I just want someone to hug and ****. People say I'm really pretty and guys flirt with me when I'm in public but for some reason i can't get a boyfriend. all my relatives ask me why i don't have a boyfriend. i get so sad about it and i don't think i have a lot of self esteem because of it. my friends say i'm too picky and my friend says it's probably because white guys don't like hispanic girls (I go to a white school) and that the hispanic guys are "whitewashed". i don't know if that's true. i did notice that only hispanic and black guys hit on me. but still I feel like c**p and I'm so embarassed. even if a guy did want to kiss me, i don't think i would want to, because i'd be too scared to tell him i don't know how to kiss a person.




  1. Who cares.

  2. That should be the least of your problems. You should be worrying about your education and career. When your reach 26 you can start worrying.

  3. Here's a good example for you. My friend has never had a boyfriend, she's never been kissed.  She's older then you, but she's by far not ugly. She's very pretty, she's christian, and she works a lot and tends to be on the shy side. I've tried to set her up with some of my single guy friend's, they'll flirt with her and tell her or me that they would like to get together with her. They never do either!  Pretty much it's one of 2 things. The guy is either a jerk, or they like you but not sure how to approach you.  

  4. Imagine still being like this at age 36.

  5. I didn't get my first kiss till I was almost 17. I didn't have my first boyfriend till I was 18. And when it comes to kissing. When you get your fist kiss, you'll know what to do. Guys do like confidence. You need to think of your positive attributes, and stop focusing on the negative ones. Keep smiling, no matter what.  

  6. You're 17. Don't be in such a rush to have some schoolboy wipe his face all over you. Be patient.

    As for not knowing how to kiss a guy…what? There are rules? Do a group of judges stand there and give you points?

  7. there's nothing wrong with you

    maybe you just haven't found the right person yet

  8. Your not alone just like theo there.  Dont get worked up over it.. Things can change and fast.  But most times I found love when I finally felt like I didnt need to look or have it around to VALIDATE me.

  9. You say you feel immature because of not having kissed before, but I think people will respect you more and think you are more mature if you wait to become intimate with someone you truly care for. Your friend who is having s*x with her flock of boyfriends will come to regret it if she ends up pregnant, and many will look down on her for being so sexually indiscriminate. There's no law saying every 17 year old must have been kissed by a member of the opposite gender. (If there was, I'd be in jail. XD) Just be friendly and genuine to all the boys you meet and you'll know when you've found the one who merits your love. That could be tomorrow or 20 years from now, so don't be in such a hurry. If you feel you need to have been kissed by a guy to be accepted by your peers, just have your dad kiss you on the cheek. Then you can say a guy kissed you, and technically it would be true.

  10. Don't feel sad. I know you'll find someone who loves you soon. The age doesn't determine the way in which you meet people and start serious relationships. I'm a man and the very first girlfriend I had was around my 18. Because of that, I wasn't sad nor jealous about my friends, who really had s*x and used to spend too much time by talking about their boring and monotonous lives. It's better to be real, to be free. Not to follow what everyone does. If you are ready to be loved, the person you're lookin' for will come to your life.

    The key to reach success is: don't be shy anymore! Show the people what you are made from, change your attitude, no more laments, be ready to be you

    Sorry about my akward english, i'm still learning. i'm spanish speaker

    Hope I can help you..^^

  11. hey,your jus like're not alone

  12. You will find the right man for you. But just hang on there. Remember your only seventeen  

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