
I'm 17 and I have a aspiration of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Where should i start? any advise?

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I'v played around in the stock market for some years now. I think i have a pretty decent understanding of how it works and hope that through it i can raise enough capital to start my first business. However, I'm scarred i don't know what i should do. I know i should go to college but i feel that its almost not even necessary and that i could use that money spent on it to start my business or even if my parents allow travel the world and visit emerging markets like china or india and hopefully find an opportunity and jump on it. I've considered being an investment banker but i don't want to be locked into one career for the rest of my life. are there any entrepreneurs out there with experience and advise they can offer me?




  1. I suggest that you do go to college.  I would also suggest that if you are interested in emerging markets become fluent in one of their languages.  Get really good at talking to people and expressing your ideas in dollar or any currency amounts.   People always like to see what you are worth.  They listen better too.  A good college education from a school that supports entrepreneurs and has a deep focus on global business would be great for you.  Traveling the world is great for business ideas just don't forget that the u.s is big and it has its needs too.  Good luck and stay focused.

  2. Go to college.

  3. You already have three great answers there...

    successful entrepreneurs are NOT just  created by accident.

    Success is birthed from knowledge, implementation of knowledge, and an even greater use of personal dynamics/mindset.

    With knowledge AND mindset--you will be able to CREATE opportunities---not just look for them.

    You've got the right idea---just make sure the mind is ready, then fill the mind with knowledge (business, trend projections, accounting practices, legal processes, marketing/analysis, international affairs and economics..etc)

    Is it absolutely necessary to have an MBA, or Ph.D?


    But the wisdom you will gain by academics and coupled with course projects will put you far ahead in the lead.

    I started my first Entrepreneurial venture immediately after military service, having little Business Academics.

    It was a huge learning experience (and financially expensive, via mistakes).  I went to night school for years, and the business knowledge gained propelled me to success.

    27 years later, I am still learning new things!

    Take your idea, add some "smarts", increase your personal

    dynamics/fortitude, and GO FOR IT!

  4. Go to college and at the same time get a degree in business. You will need it to learn about sales, financing, business law, and so much more.  Learn all about the different business models such as retail, direct sales and network marketing.

    You can also at the same time start the foundation for a business of your own.  You can't around being afraid, you have to be mentally tough.  You also can't be afraid of failure, but that is how you learn.  You can still travel the world during the months you are in school. I wish you great success.

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